Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Oh, oh, it's Magic.

I was pleasantly surprised during GCBC yesterday to discover this little bar code at the end of one of the General Conference talks!

Guy is always on the look out for these.  At restaurants he is always asking me to scan the ones on the back of ketchup.  My response is always that I don't need to learn how to use ketchup.  I'm so old, huh?

But a bar code on the pages of the General Conference edition of the Ensign...I can get into that.  So here's how it works, if you don't already know or have never tried it. (I'm sure many of you have but for those who haven't...)

Click on the app on your smartphone that looks like a bar code.

Then the camera function will start looking for the code.  Hold your phone over the little square until it registers.  Then your phone will look like this...with a link to the talk online.

The three buttons across the bottom allow you to open it in a browser (so you can watch the talk immediately), share it via email, or share it via SMS (text, Twitter, etc).

And since I've got this song stuck in my head now, I've just gotta say:  I had no idea that they installed a pool in the Great and Spacious Building!  Did you?

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you posted this!  I had no idea what those little boxes were for!  Haha!  You learn something new every day!
