Friday, February 24, 2012

Read Your Scriptures

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I have said this before, but I'll say it again:

Blog posts are not scripture.

Scripture is scripture.


Inspired by my friend Marla, I have decided to read the entire Standard Works this year.

There just so happens to be a website that sells a very convenient guide to help you do this.

I found them while searching for a guide to help me reach my goal.  I bought the guide for $4 and so far it has been completely worth it. 

It directs me to read four readings per day that come from four different books of scripture.  What I love about it is that unlike other free reading schedules that I had seen online that tell you to read up to a certain page each day, this reading guide is very smart in that it directs you to read a full story or section of a story (down the the verse), so that you aren't left mid-thought when you reach your scheduled page requirement.  I love that.  

I also love reading in each book daily...It allows me to see how consistent the Lord is, what a big part the Abrahamic covenant and temple covenants play in the history of God's dealing with man, and ultimately the truthfulness of the gospel.  These are things that you will not get from any blog please...put your laptop down and READ YOUR SCRIPTURES!!!

You'll be so glad you did.


  1. thank you so much for this today Jocelyn...I needed it.  I read the Book of Mormon in 40 days and finished it this last Christmas.  I could not believe how it changed my life.  For the first time I was TRULY thirsting after the scriptures.  It was hard for me to put them down every day and I learned more than I imagined I could.  Ever since I have been missing that feeling and I think you have given me my next undertaking.  Thank you so much!

  2. I usually prefer to read my scriptures by topic and then go to all the footnotes until I get whatever inspiration I am needing, but this sounds like something worth checking into. Thanks.


  3.  This is pretty cool. About a month ago I was flipping thru the hymnal of another church and there was a guide to reading the whole bible in a 3 year cycle that included singing a hymn, reading a psalm and then a reading. I thought it was a fascinating idea and wanted one for the whole standard works, and here you post this which is pretty close. I bet I could correlate the hymns on my own pretty easily. Thanks for sharing!

  4. There is nothing like having the books in front of you pouring over the words.  It's my favorite.  I will have to look into the challenge you mentioned.  Sounds interesting.

  5. This sounds SO cool!  I just went to their site and I really think this would be great!

  6. Thanks for the link...I am going to go check it out.

  7. SunflowersandladybugsFriday, February 24, 2012

    Thanks for your thoughts, Jocelyn--so true!  Good luck on that hefty goal--wow, that will be amazing!  Maybe we won't see you blog as much? ;)  I read the Old Testament in one year once, and that was an endeavor!  The four pages a day wasn't too bad; it was the missing days and catching up that was a lot.  But it's so true--our spirits long for the scriptures, need them.  I thoroughly enjoyed reading 2 Nephi chapter 31 yesterday--ate it up!  It starts out saying that it will talk about the doctrine of Christ, and then ends that he has talked about the doctrine of Christ.  So guess what's in the middle? ;)  I LOVE IT!  And now I'm off to read chapter 32, which I will love as well!  Thanks again for your encouragement, Jocelyn!  You are amazing!

  8. I want do this too! They said that their schedule is about 30 min a day to complete the goal. When I was a missionary we were required to read...30 min a day! Then we spent another 30 min with our companion reading and planning lessons.  I loved it. I still read everyday but I need that thirst back. Thanks for the inspiration! Wouldn't this be fun to send to a missionary?

  9. thanks for the reminder to put my laptop down and go read my scriptures, I am on my way now, and thanks for your wonderful words, I love reading your blog.

  10. Jocelyn ChristensenFriday, February 24, 2012

    Katie - Yes,I think 30 minutes is very doable and a great length of time to really be enriched.  I think it takes me about 45  minutes to do the daily readings, because I take my time and read footnotes and mark every page.  You'll love doing this!

  11. Jocelyn ChristensenFriday, February 24, 2012

    Oddly enough it doesn't feel hefty at all!  The way that the readings are broken up, I don't feel bogged down.  I get a little taste of everything each day, so it never gets to be "drudgery"  (sp?)...Today, I read Matt 5:21-48, Exodus 30-32, Proverbs 14, Moroni 7...Like you, I just ate those chapters up and found words of wisdom to strengthen me as I faced the world (online world anyway!) :)

  12. Jocelyn ChristensenFriday, February 24, 2012

    I never thought reading them all in a year would be so easy...but it's really awesome.  You'll love this!  Let me know if you end up adding hymns!

  13. Jocelyn ChristensenFriday, February 24, 2012

    I think you could still do that...I spend a lot of time cross-referencing, etc.  This just gives me direction and motivation to actually complete my goal.

  14. Jocelyn ChristensenFriday, February 24, 2012

    I have spent a LOT of time in recent years in the Book of Mormon exclusively, so it was high time that I gave equal attention to the other wonderful works of scripture.  Reading them all at the same time is adding layers to my testimony!  Good for you on doing the BofM in 40 days!  I know someone who read it in 2 days...I have no idea how that is even possible, but she does it every New Year's Eve!!! :)

  15. Good for you, I'm still working on rereading the book of mormon again in 3 months...

  16. What a great program, and a great goal!

  17. Thank you so much for sharing this resource.
    I can't wait for mine to come in the mail.
    I'm always happy for another way to work my way through my scripture study.

  18. What a WONDERFUL site!  I'm absolutely bookmarking that one.  Brilliant.  But I think it is just as important to try and read and/or listen to something from the prophets every day.  I can't get enough of that.

  19. Ooh, I love that the schedule has you reading from the Book of Mormon for the whole year. I enjoy the other books of scripture, but I always feel like it makes a difference when I am always reading from the Book of Mormon. Thanks for the link!

  20. I think this is a wonderful goal! When I was 14 years old, my 70 year old neighbor Darlene Nehring challenged me to read the standard works with her during the year. We finished in the middle of December, and it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. My testimony grew so much stronger and I gained a love of the scriptures. Thanks for the reminder to focus on reading what really matters--the scriptures!

  21. Jocelyn ChristensenSaturday, February 25, 2012

    that is the coolest experience!  neat!

  22. Jocelyn ChristensenSaturday, February 25, 2012

    I am loving it so far and it is very doable timewise...I never would have imagined that reading all of the standard works in one year would be so possible!  And I'm not a quick reader either!
