Around here, we keep FHE short and sweet. It's not perfect, but it's our time, and "family time in sacred time!" as it is for you too, I'm sure!
Now there is one thing that I didn't get a chance to explain in the aforementioned post linked to above.
And that is one core principle that I try to stick to: Don't cheat yourself of the valuable experience of planning your own lessons for your kids. I love that there are ideas galore online to help inspire us, however, when it comes right down to it, I have learned and grown exponentially in the last few years because of the process of preparing myself to teach my children. The actual act of reading, praying, seeking the spirit, and then testifying, answering their questions, and completing the task is what has helped me to grow.
Don't get me wrong, I get plenty of ideas from others, but I take a craft or lesson suggestions and I say, "How does this apply to my family? What will make this come alive for my kids? How can I use a simple recipe or craft to teach a lesson that WE need to learn?"
I think that this is most certainly the example that the Savior set for us as he took everyday scenarios and applied them to the people he was teaching.
If you don't have time to browse, I've listed Family Home Evenings we've done by topic below. I will try to keep it updated, but make no guarantee of that:
We Can Choose
Anniversary FHE
Articles of Faith:
Memorizing the Articles of Faith (how we did it in just a few weeks by song!)
Teaching Children about the Atonement
Letters to Baby
Bike Rally FHE
Teaching Children about Sex
Family History:
Who are the People in your Family?
Connecting Kids with their Righteous Ancestors
Conversion Story: Roger Osborne
Conversion Story: Robert Hatch
What kind of legacy will you leave? (Erying)
Family Proclamation:
Family Proclamation Cootie Catcher
Check out our Family Proclamation Lessons page for all of our lessons on this topic.
General Conference:
All of our General Conference Lessons can be accessed on our General Conference Lessons page.
Making a General Conference Question Wall
Our Questions Answered
Listen to the Voice of the Prophets
Last-minute General Conference FHE Ideas
Christopher Columbus
Holy Ghost:
How the Holy Ghost makes us feel
Imperfect FHEs that will make you laugh:
Thankful for Imperfect FHEs
Love at Home
If Planted It Will Grow
Jesus Christ:
Jesus Christ FHE
"Being a Bunny" FHE
Kid Interviews:
Kid Interview Questions
Family Prayer
What's in your 72-Hour Kit?
Updating 72-hour Kits
Because of the Resurrection
Secret Service
Service Handshake
Sibling Appreciation:
Sibling Appreciation Night
Appreciating Autumn
FHEs from the Friend:
Each Can Sing the Sweetest Song