Using object lessons, crafts, memorization, and technology, we teach our children the lessons of General Conference. These lessons usually last about 5-10 minutes and are meant to be replicated. Come join in the fun!

Here are our General Conference Lessons
for the October 2015 Conference:
Blessed and Happy are Those Who Keep the Commandments of God - Elder Keetch
New Apostles Name Board: How we memorize the Apostles
Blessed and Happy are Those Who Keep the Commandments of God - Elder Keetch
New Apostles Name Board: How we memorize the Apostles
Here are our General Conference Lessons
for the April 2015 Conference:
Here are our General Conference Review Lessons
for the October 2014 Conference:
Joseph Smith - Elder Andersen
Sustaining the Prophet - Elder Nelson
Stay in the Boat - Elder Ballard
Ponder the Path of Thy Feet - President Monson
Are We Not All Beggars? - Elder Holland
Receiving a Testimony of Light and Truth - President Uchtdorf
Make the Exercise of Faith Your First Priority - Elder Scott
Loving Others and Living with Differences - Elder Oaks
Sustaining the Prophet - Elder Nelson
Stay in the Boat - Elder Ballard
Ponder the Path of Thy Feet - President Monson
Are We Not All Beggars? - Elder Holland
Receiving a Testimony of Light and Truth - President Uchtdorf
Make the Exercise of Faith Your First Priority - Elder Scott
Loving Others and Living with Differences - Elder Oaks
Here are our General Conference Lessons
for the April 2014 Conference:
for the April 2014 Conference:
Following Up - Elder Ballard
Spiritual Whirlwinds - Elder Andersen
Roots and Branches - Elder Cook
I Have Given You an Example - Elder Scott
Grateful in Any Circumstances - President Uchtdorf
Let Your Faith Show - Elder Nelson
A Priceless Heritage of Hope - President Eyring
Because of the Resurrection - Elder Christofferson
The Cost--and Blessings--of Discipleship - Elder Holland
Spiritual Whirlwinds - Elder Andersen
Roots and Branches - Elder Cook
I Have Given You an Example - Elder Scott
Grateful in Any Circumstances - President Uchtdorf
Let Your Faith Show - Elder Nelson
A Priceless Heritage of Hope - President Eyring
Because of the Resurrection - Elder Christofferson
The Cost--and Blessings--of Discipleship - Elder Holland
Our lessons from the October 2013 General Conference:
The Stronger the Wind, The Stronger the Trees - President Monson
Angels to Watch over Us - President Eyring
Come, Join With Us - President Uchtdorf
The Key to Spiritual Protection - President Packer
The Articles of Faith - Elder Perry
Like a Broken Vessel - Elder Holland
Trust in the Lord - Elder Ballard
No Other Gods - Elder Oaks
Beware of Bondage - Elder Cook
Decisions for Eternity - Elder Nelson
Repentance: The Hope-filled Path - Elder Scott
The Moral Force of Women - Elder Christofferson
Each Day is a Day of Decision - Elder Nelson
Windows, Priesthood & Tithing - Elder Bednar & Elder Andersen
"Oh, How We Need General Conference!" - Elder Hales

Repentance: The Hope-filled Path - Elder Scott
The Moral Force of Women - Elder Christofferson
Each Day is a Day of Decision - Elder Nelson
Windows, Priesthood & Tithing - Elder Bednar & Elder Andersen
"Oh, How We Need General Conference!" - Elder Hales
Our lessons from the April 2013 General Conference:
I'm not afraid to follow the Savior - Elder Oaks
Catch the Wave - Elder Nelson
His Doctrine Will Not Change - Elder Hales
Fan the Flame of Your Faith - Elder Holland
Stay in Condition - President Packer
A Christ-centered Home - Elder Scott
The Importance of a Body - Elder Bednar
With Christ, Darkness Cannot Succeed - President Uchtdorf
"Eye" Will Be Tolerant as Well as Kind - President Monson
Teaching General Conference to Children - President Packer
Miracles in Missionary Work - Elder Andersen
Personal Peace - Elder Cook
Drawing Closer to Him - President Eyring
Owl Be Wise and Honor the Priesthood - Elder Ballard
Christ is the source of Ultimate Justice - Elder Christofferson