Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"S" is for Service

I don't really have a ton of time to talk today, because believe it or not, I've got a couple of important tasks to perform in Service Boot Camp yet for people both in and out of my family, before this month of service officially comes to a close.

It's been like this all month, but I'm happy to say that I've been too busy serving to talk about service on here.  I think that's probably a good thing.

I just want to take a second to say that one of the most wonderful blessings to come from my time in Service Boot Camp this month is the affect it has had on my relationship with my kids.  Especially this one whose name I drew to perform secret service for within my family:

Serving Scarlett instantly strengthened our relationship, because instead of being impatient with her when she whined or cried, I thought of my caring response as a way to serve her. 

And you know what?  I found that just the act of validating her feelings caused her to get upset less frequently.  And she showed more love to me.  I dare say she felt more free about expressing her love for me, because she trusted me with her feelings more.

Our relationship was fine before, but it is definitely stronger and more enjoyable now that I have made a greater effort to be more loving toward her requests.

The other day Scarlett made this little life-sized picture (?) of me.  Now I could be wrong, but that diamond-shaped thing on my shirt looks a lot like a Superwoman symbol!  No?

And the "S" on my neck...could it stand for Service???

Anyway, gotta run.  Thank you so much for joining me in Service Boot Camp this month!

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"I like yow hol intir famle."

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As predicted, yesterday was a good way, for us anyway.

For FHE, we first talked to the kids (ages 3, 4, 6) about sex.  We taught them about this about a year ago, and it went well.  We used (again) the book recommended by Deilia during the first Family Proclamation Celebration called "The Way Your Body Works" by Bernard Stonehouse et al.  This was a follow up to the discussion that we had with the kids over the weekend about modesty and avoiding p*rnography, using my talking points "God Gave You a Body."  It facilitated a great discussion.  If you haven't used it yet, I recommend that you do so...soon!

The next thing we did was wrote letters to extended family.

I love what Guy wrote to a cousin, "I like yow hol intir famle."

Now yesterday was also a sad and tragic day for anyone watching or experiencing the school shooting in Chardon, Ohio, which is near where I grew up.  

As I watch world events unfold each day, I can see how Family Home Evening is such a protection from the storms of life.

We send our children out into a world that is filled with turmoil and spiritual & physical dangers.  But when they return home, especially on Monday nights, there is a safe place where we can experience and cultivate peace together.  

Thank goodness for FHE.

PS - Be sure to check out Catania's FHE from last night!
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Monday, February 27, 2012

Postcard from Mommy Preschool

We're having fun together in Mommy Preschool today. There are so many resources to help us teach our children, it's amazing! While working out this morning, I watched a Twilight Zone...
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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Book of Mormon Scripture Figures

Pin It I finally took a moment to cut out and laminate our scripture figures from the Friend Magazine.  I love the depictions of Alma & Abinadi, however, as I was teaching the story...
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Friday, February 24, 2012

Read Your Scriptures

Pin It I have said this before, but I'll say it again: Blog posts are not scripture. Scripture is scripture. READ YOUR SCRIPTURES. Inspired by my friend Marla, I have decided to read...
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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Family Proclamation Video: We Need YOU!

Pin It Montserrat of Chocolate on my Cranium and I are gearing up for our Family Proclamation Celebration (already!)   This year, we will be joining forces with YOU to bring...
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

30 Christ-Centered Easter Traditions & Crafts

Pin It Christ-Centered Easter Crafts & Activities Paper Plate Tombs Resurrection Rolls He Took Our Sins Upon Him (Carnation Experiment) Stone Could Not Hold...
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

20 Minutes, Every Monday, to a Better Life

Have you guys ever read my post 20 Minutes, Every Monday, to a Better Life? Well, you should.  It explains my whole philosophy on FHE in a nutshell. Speaking of nuts...This is what we ate...
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