Tuesday, March 6, 2012

If Planted It Will Grow...

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Welcome to the "pictogram" of our FHE last night:

(Remember to check out That Good Part's FHE post today!)


  1. i am doing a 'vacation book of mormon school' this summer in our ward and this would be great for the little kids - what are those things that the seeds are coming out of??

  2. Your kids are so stinkin' cute.  I love them. 

    You know, I love that sentiment, and the "Faith is like a little seed" song, and all of that.  But for those of us who are routine accidental plant murderers, it gets a little scary!

  3. Cool! These are just little plant starter trays...you can get them at Walmart or anywhere.  We have Book of Mormon Camp in our ward too!  I think another blogger and I will be sharing ideas here soon...if you'd like to share...let me know.

  4. Ha ha, Kris...it makes the lesson all the more poignant!  Gotta water and nourish that testimony! Don't worry, I kill all plants that are indoors...outside...I have much better luck. Let God take care of those!!! :)

  5. You are both doing such a great job in teaching the gospel...well done.

  6. I love this! Ialso  love how you ended this with that having FHE can be compared to a planting a seed!

  7. I love how you compare having FHE to planting a seed.  Wow!  That is a powerful insight!

  8. I love those little pellets, super fun to watch your seeds grow that way.  (and the roots are awesome as they grow out the side...more object lessons?!)

    We watched the "Sanctify Yourselves", and "Dayton's Legs" mormon messages.  They were especially pointed to my DS who is almost 13 and the Deacon's Quarm President.  We had great discussions with all our boys about the responsibilities to stay clean and be ready in ALL ASPECTS to act on your priesthood.  It was especially gratifying to me to have an example in their father to hold up and help as an "object" lesson.  ;)

  9. You are indeed blessed! Yay for worthy priesthood holders!  :)

  10. I just love this, so very cute and meaningful : )

  11. how appropriate for spring and growing time soon to be here...

  12. That it is! Great object lesson.


  13. This was an awesome post. I loved the pictures and I am smiling at the thoughts. This is one of those precious moments being recorded.
    Blessings and hugs to you!
