Thursday, September 29, 2011

Unique General Conference Ideas

Pin It Keep your lego-maniac happy with instructions on building their own Lego Temple Find out why you won't hear about flowers in the Priesthood session. Learn how to...
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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

You be you, she'll be Sister Dew

Source Two wonderful things happened this evening, and I'm not sure which event I'm more excited about! First, I received my first email from a reader who would like me to send her a copy of The Book...
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Why I Share My Faith

Once upon a time (in high school), I shared the most important thing in my life (the gospel) with someone who I cared a lot about (my boyfriend).  Sound familiar? Eventually (the summer after we...
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Temple Softie Tutorial

Pin It This temple softie set will be a great addition to your child’s room or as a fun sewing project to make together during General Conference weekend.  My temple softie was inspired by...
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Monday, September 26, 2011

The Sanctity of Human Life

I believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is indeed good news for everyone and should be greeted with jubilation.  But many people around the world are not free to hear the good news of the gospel....
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Sunday, September 25, 2011

General Conference Link-up & Giveaway

God told Adam to multiply and replenish the earth. He commanded Noah to build a boat. He promised Abraham that he would be the father of many nations. And he gave Moses the Ten Commandments. The...
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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Forget Not...

Pin It Nope, I couldn't wait to come home and make this little reminder for myself! "Forget Not" by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf and other great talks from tonight's General Relief Society Meeting...
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The Book That Makes Me Who I Am.

I've got this book here.  It's my absolute favorite. I read it all the time... It makes me happy...and helps me make sense of this crazy world. I like it so much that I want to share it with my...
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The Christensen Creed

During our family mission statement link-up for Celebrate Family I mentioned to a few of you that we didn't yet have a family mission statement. But as I cleaned/de-cluttered my house today, I discovered...
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Friday, September 23, 2011

The Family Proclamation Will Stand

I consider The Family: A Proclamation to the World to be God's "Constitution" for families--the thing that will build families up and make them rock solid.   It contains everything that families...
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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Reaching Our Family Potential by CaMarie Hoffman (Blog Hop)

As a very young girl, I learned how powerful a clear picture can be in helping us achieve our dreams. For Family Home Evening one night my parents ignited our imaginations by asking each of us to share...
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