Thursday, September 1, 2011

God Our Strength Will Be

My husband and I wake up every morning to study scriptures with our kids, because these are the scenes that we wouldn't want to miss...even if Guy and Scarlett are in the wings making demented faces and putting blankets on their heads.  Every effort we make to feel the Spirit in our home is totally worth it.

Want some more ideas to help you strengthen your family?  See this page on "Strengthening Families".  And be sure to check out our posts dedicated to Family during our Celebrate Family series beginning September 9th.


  1. What great photos, and what they capture is even better!


    PS. Good talking to you yesterday...

  2. You are so darn dedicated! Wishing I grew up in your home with consistent parents;)

  3. What a cute picture! We do 10 verses a day. Our goal is to finish by the time my 6 1/2 year old turns 8. It has just been great!

  4. Do you use Scriptures that have pictures? I'm trying to find one for Nathan that has pictures, but haven't seen anything that I like. Any ideas?

  5. fun photos. now i'm home from iceland-it's time to get back in a good routine...

  6. What great pictures! We have been more diligent about reading our scriptures and I have seen (and felt) such a change. I guess all those awesome promises about being blessed if we are obedient really are true after all. :) Sometimes that is easy to forget when life gets hectic for some reason...

  7. I quoted you again on my quote blog! You're good.

  8. I would love to hear a few more tips on how to make scripture study successful and consistent. I know that it is pretty tough keeping three toddlers focused- especially when John is deployed. Sometimes I find myself yelling at the kids to be quiet and stop jumping/taking off their clothes/whining/etc... right when I am supposed to be teaching them Christ like attributes, lol. I have found a few things that work well (ie studying around the dinner table before bed, or using lessons from church in our scripture study) but more tips would be helpful, for sure. Let me know if you already have a post on that or something ;) Thanks Jocelyn
