Thursday, September 8, 2011

It's the Final Countdown!

Conversation Block, Come What May & Love It

I received an interview request today from a media outlet eager to do a news story about Celebrate Family 2011.  They want to check in with us after the blog event is over to find out what kind of "reaction" we get, but her basic query was this:  "What effect do I hope to have on members and non-members alike?"

Here's my answer, in case you were wondering too:  

My hope is that through this celebration of The Family Proclamation testimonies will grow, families will be strengthened and lives will be changed...because that is exactly the reaction that The Family Proclamation has on anyone who sincerely considers its basic, eternal truths--whether they are members of our church or not.

The Family: A Proclamation to the World is truly for everyone.  And our posts will be geared to everyone who is looking for ways to find more happiness in family life and in life in general.

Since I am so focused on teaching young children the gospel of Jesus Christ, many of the posts that will appear on my blog during the celebration will also contain unique and useful things that you can take away from the post to use in your own family while teaching your children.  So come back every day to discover new tools to implement in your life

We are looking forward to reading your posts too over the next two weeks, especially during the link-ups each Monday and Thursday.

If you are planning on blogging about The Family Proclamation during the celebration and would like to be added to my sidebar of "Family Proclamation All-stars", please leave me a comment on this post with your blog address!

I am positive that you will benefit from everything that is shared...on all of the blogs please plan on visiting each site every day of the celebration of family!  

Here are the co-hosts of the party case you want to bookmark them!

Now to announce the winner of our RSVP Giveaway: chose comment #31:  Tracy of Totally Tracky and Troops
to win a conversation block of her choice from

We've got LOTS of great giveaways and guest posts coming your way, starting tomorrow...
so join us, won't you?

Here's the Blog Hop Schedule:

Monday, September 12th - Get ideas for and post your own Family Mission Statement
Thursday, September 15th - Share Photo Essays about The Family Proclamation
Monday, September 19th - FHE Lessons about The Family Proclamation
Thursday, September 22nd - How the Family Proclamation has impacted your family. 


  1. I am looking forward to participating with a guest post over on Chocolate on My Cranium on the 19th. Please include me on your side-bar.



  2. mission accomplished... well, at least a little bit for me. Just writing my guest post had me doing a lot of soul searching, and I certainly have a stronger testimony of the proclamation - I really am excited for things to get rolling :)

  3. We celebrate the family everyday at

    Happy to participate in this celebration!

  4. Also here:

  5. Oops! One more:

  6. Ooh, I am so excited! We have tried several times in the past five years to pin down a family mission statement. We've had a lot of great conversations about what we want for our family, what we want our children to know and love... but no defined statement or anything yet. Maybe this time it will stick! :)

  7. Will be so great to see all these wonderful posts!

  8. I'll be blogging about it but I'm no all star. I'm really excited about this, can't wait to see the posts!

  9. You are certainly one ambitious young lady-go for it!

  10. Can't believe I haven't discovered this blog before. Excited to celebrate family!

  11. What a great event. Lots of ripples...


  12. I'd love it if you included me! Though I'm no all star either, just fumbling my way through.

  13. I'd like to be included in the list.

  14. You know... I though last years was pretty darn great, but this year is even better I think!
