Tuesday, January 19, 2021

whatever tomorrow brings

It's no secret, that I love this country and the principles on which it was founded.  My grandmother was born on the 4th of July, and my grandparents served in World wars, so we're a family who loves the USA and loves to teach our children to love it as well.

While I worked in TV News, I helped cover two Presidential Inaugurations and one political convention.  I interviewed people in and outside of the White House.  I attended an Impeachment Trial inside the Capitol and listened to oral arguments inside the Supreme Court.  Inside the news bureau where I worked, it was my job to escort all on-air guests through the make-up room, the green room, and finally get them on-set, so I had a chance to get to know quite a few politicians in a candid environment. My time in DC only solidified my respect for and gratitude for the process.

It's not perfect, because we the people are not perfect, but I love to teach my children to love our country, which is why I have been praying hard that there is something GOOD I can show my kids tomorrow as we watch the Inauguration together.

In preparation this weekend, I cleaned my house, and let the kids help me decorate.  We pulled out red, white, and blue balloons and streamers and we're just full of anticipation.

My four year old Val who just loves holidays, asked me, "Mommy, why are are we getting these red, white, and blue straws?"  My answer, "Because next week we're getting a new president!"

Sometimes I pick winners when I vote, and sometimes I pick losers, but who I pick doesn't matter when the counting is done.  When Inauguration Day rolls around, I'm ready to support Democracy and make the best of the next four years.

Some Inauguration Days I have a big smile on my face.  Sometimes, I'm just happy for the person and what his election means.  But always I am flying the red, white, and blue.  Always I am teaching my children what a privilege it is to live in a country like ours, where we get to help pick our leaders and where we respect the rule of law.

I know that is not what 2020 looked like.  Not even a little bit.  But I am praying and will continue to work and pray for a future and for a tomorrow that I can be proud to show and pass down to my children.



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