Sunday, January 31, 2021

Black History Month Free Teaching Resources

 I'm gathering resources to help teach Honor about significant contributions to civil rights for Black History Month, and I thought I'd share them here.First, I downloaded a free power point lesson...
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Saturday, January 30, 2021

Oath of Office

 In homeschool this week, I had a really nice time watching the Inauguration with Honor and the little boys.I was praying my heart out leading up to this week that things would be peaceful. ...
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Friday, January 29, 2021

More Social Distancing Activites: Look at the Moon

 January and February of a any year are usually the hardest for me. I have good coping mechanisms for living in such a non-sunny locale, but yesterday and this week I (and a lot of people I know,...
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Thursday, January 28, 2021

Sausage Roll Recipe

 Over the first weeks of this year, I've been making an effort to share some recipes that are special to our family traditions.Today I'm sharing the short-cut method to making our family's traditional...
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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Some Personal Progress in the Children and Youth Program

 My girls, how I love my girls!Two years ago, I worked really hard to help my oldest daughter accomplish her Young Women Recognition Award, while she was still just 12 years old (and before the program...
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Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Welcome to Pittsburgh

Well, you guys know I'm happy.  Last week, the Church made it's official announcement of the location where it intends to build the Pittsburgh Temple.  Not only is that location in my Stake,...
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Monday, January 25, 2021

Tour Church History Sites from Home

Honor got a camera for her 8th birthday, and she's having so much fun taking pictures of our family and making videos with her little brothers.  I'm glad she has that camera to be creative, to entertain...
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Friday, January 22, 2021

you look familiar

So, Honor, my 8 year old, is super obsessed with the fact that, as she puts it, we are twins!  She is soooo proud of this.She makes me take pictures with her all of the time to prove it.It's just...
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Thursday, January 21, 2021

Sugar Cookie & Royal Icing Recipe & Decorating Tips

 When we moved to Pittsburgh four years ago, a really kind sister in the ward had my girls and me over to teach us how to decorate sugar cookies.I have always been touched by this gesture. ...
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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

All Together Now

 Whenever it's time to change the drawing/phrase on my kitchen chalkboard, my kids all jump at the chance to be the one to create something for the board.This one was created by my 8 year old Honor...
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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

whatever tomorrow brings

It's no secret, that I love this country and the principles on which it was founded.  My grandmother was born on the 4th of July, and my grandparents served in World wars, so we're a family who loves...
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