Thursday, July 26, 2012

Malarkey Walks

About this time on Saturday, we'll be in Aurora, Colorado showing a little love for those still hospitalized after last week's shooting.   The kids and I had a brief, but meaningful...
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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

In the Shape of a Heart

I was thinking last night how I needed to write a post about Autumn just so I can remember how sweet it has been having her as my youngest baby these past three (nearly four) years now.  Her...
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Monday, July 23, 2012

A Spiritual Confirmation

First of all, I just want to say:  Yesterday at, it was such. a. good. day!   That morning, I had asked the Lord to re-confirm to me the message that I had received from...
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Friday, July 20, 2012

The Mark of a Truly Educated Man

I taught a class on "Avoiding Degrading Media Influences" in Young Women on Sunday.  It's lesson #33 in YW Manual 1. Now that I am about six years removed from my days of working in the TV...
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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Battalion of Saints

Yesterday, we ventured out into the heat to maybe hit the farmer's market and instead, we stumbled upon the library's annual book sale.  After waiting in the sweltering heat for an hour for...
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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Scripture Seek & Find FHE

FHE:  We're still having it. Last night, we pulled out the July 2012 Friend and used the scripture "Seek and Ye Shall Find" activity as our lesson. We were halfway through the opening...
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Saturday, July 14, 2012

"A screever's an artist of 'ighest degree..."

It's been a very colorful week...starting with a trip to the crayola factory museum and ending with a night at our town's annual sidewalk chalk festival.

I love festivals that celebrate children...and this one didn't have anything to do with selling us ridiculous toys and junk food.  It was really just us (and some great friends!), chalk, and the open sidewalk.  

Some talented artists made some pretty cool pictures.  I didn't get photos of some of the very best ones, but here is our contribution (a "gumball machine").

And here is the winning entry:

Thanks to our good friends the Gees for coming out to play with us last night!

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012


There is something amazing about watching a child learn a new skill.  Teaching kids to swim is the most fun ever, in my opinion...outside of helping them learn to walk! Recently, Autumn...
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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Our Fourth of July Parade 2012

Here are some photos from our family & friends 4th of July parade: A family tradition that has been happening for 35 years now! We look forward to it every year...and the bike decorating...
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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Teaching Teens to Avoid Pornography

As you know, we've been at family reunions/hosting visitors the last few weeks, but also during that time I was invited to teach a class at Girl's Camp about avoiding pornography.   Although...
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