Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Jocelyn's List of the Best Christmas Books for Young Children 2011

Jocelyn's List  of the  Best Christmas Books for Young Children 2011 Christmas is Here (Words from the King James Bible), Illustrated by Lauren Castillo The...
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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

795 of YOU...

I've got this CD here that I'd like to give to one of you. It's a talk called "Farm Wisdom for City Folks: What we missed by growing up in town" by John Bytheway (from Deseret Book).  I've listened...
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And You Thought YOUR Husband was Crazy...

Steve told me yesterday when he started putting up the Christmas lights that it would be "blog-worthy".  I don't know.  He must be reading too much Middle-Aged Mormon Man or something, but...
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Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas Is Now Drawing Near at Hand

I received a comment from a reader today who is searching.  He wants to believe in God again and is having trouble finding his way.  I tried my best to answer his questions and point him in...
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Brown Paper Packages Tied Up with String

We've been home about twelve hours now, and we've already gotten a Christmas tree, started putting up lights on the house, and been to the doctor...and Walmart.  I still can't get over what a stark...
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Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Baptism

We've made some wonderful new friends while we've been visiting Grandma and Grandpa (aka Elder and Sister Christensen) here in Atlanta.  And that's mainly, because Steve and Christie have made so...
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CNN Headquarters in Atlanta

You didn't think I'd go all the way to Atlanta and not pay a visit to CNN Headquarters??? I brought Autumn along, who reminded me just what lured me away from the big lights of television...all so I...
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Friday, November 25, 2011

Blue Friday

We visited the world's largest aquarium today. As you can see from the was amazing! We got a VIP tour from Eugene, who is in Steve's parents' ward. We bypassed all the traffic at the...
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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Pie Always Tastes Better

I thought I'd give you a glimpse into our Thanksgiving Day here in sunny Atlanta,and share a quick thought or two... The kids are so happy to be spending time with Grandma and Grandpa Christensen who...
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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Our Thanksgiving Advent

We filled out our daily Thanksgiving Advent Calendar this year with little slips of paper with things we are thankful for on them...but I had to take them all out and pack them, so we can read them at...
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Let No Mouse Put Asunder

Guess who tied the knot earlier today? That's right!  Mousie Boy and Mousie Girl. Autumn came over to me as I was packing for our trip and said, "Mousie boy and Mousie girl are getting married."...
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Thanksgiving Songs for Kids

We went to Scarlett's Preschool Thanksgiving Program.  Scarlett's favorite part of school is learning to sing lots of fun songs.  A few weeks before each program, Scarlett surprises us by...
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Monday, November 21, 2011

A Mayflower Craft that ROCKS!

I had a bunch of super cute kids in my house on Saturday morning, so we decided to do a Thanksgiving craft together.  Hop on over to Chocolate on my Cranium to read my guest post about my absolute...
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Saturday, November 19, 2011

My Joy and My Great Thanksgiving

"In the Wilderness" by Ron DiCianni I stumbled upon this depiction of Christ earlier this week, and it made me gasp.  I'm not sure I can come up with the words to describe what feelings this painting...
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