Thursday, August 18, 2011

Your Family Proclamation Stories

Do you have a story to tell, a craft to share, or a unique testimony to bear about your experiences sharing, teaching or living the Family Proclamation?  Please email me at!


  1. Anything and everything on what we have? It looks like you are getting ready for a party....

  2. i enjoy teaching about it in rs, but i'm on vacation now and can't comment more....

  3. You just reminded me... MMB is going to post a slightly updated version of my family proclamation post I had written for you next week.

    I hope that's okay with you!

  4. Yah, I have some...

    ...but they are secret, because I NEED them! :)

    I am so excited!

  5. I did several activities based on your ideas when you did your 30 days study of the proclamation. Most of my ideas were similar to yours and then morphed with ideas of my own. They're posted on my family blog, but it's now private. Still I'd be happy to share my ideas.
