Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Summer Journals

These are our summer journals. I got the idea from Guy's preschool teachers.  Every day or so, I ask my children to draw on a topic, usually something they've been talking about a lot.  Then...
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Friday, May 27, 2011

He Wants to Be an American Soldier

Three things make me cry immediately: Marching bands. Parades. Members of the military bearing the US Flag. Each of these things alone bring tears to my eyes almost immediately.  Put them all...
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Thursday, May 26, 2011

"I will do my best not to let the disaster beat me."

My dear friend Yuki has provided me with a translation of the letters that we received from the girls in Japan yesterday.  

Here are their touching letters in English:

From Saya Yahata

Thank you for a lot of great gifts.
The flower bag pack is so cute and my favorite.
I wish I will do my best not to let the disaster beat me.
So please keep in touch and cheer me up.
Thank you.

From Natsuki Abe

We were damaged by earthquake and Tsunami.
I lost many my important things.
But I am happy now because I got lots of cute gifts from you.
I will treasure it. Thank you.


 From Yuri Shoji

Thank you for your lots of great gifts. I am happy very much.
Our house was damaged by Tsunami and water and mud covered all of our house.
Now we cleaned up first floor but still we need a lot of work.
And there are still many earthquake and it makes me so scared.
I really appreciate you because the gifts from you make me so happy and my fear is gone when I got them.
Thank you.

Yuki has started a disaster relief group for Japan here in my local area.  The blog can be found here.  She is selling handmade t-shirts to raise money for the people of Japan.  They come in all sizes, children through adult.  (I'm really drawn to #2!)  You can find out how to order here...or email her at susquehannav.japanesec@gmail.com

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A Well-loved Child

Some "experts" were on the Dr. Oz Show the other day discussing what should be done to curb childhood obesity in our country.  One doctor/administrator said, "There are only two things that change...
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dear Japan: 私たちもあなたを愛して

My kids and I were so excited today to find a special envelope in our mailbox from Ishinomaki, Japan!  Here are our new friends Natuki, Saaya, Yuri, and Hiiro, showing off the backpacks that we...
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New Mormon Musical in The Works

I'm sorry, but this is just too funny not to post: The Sistas are toying with the idea of a new Mormon Musical. Broadway-lovers and "roadshow" alumni alike need to hop on over and check out their ideas. I...
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100 Books of Summer

My kids and I have decided to see if we can read 100 books together this summer. Here is our  100 Books of Summer Reading List: Note:  We LOVE and own the majority of the books on this...
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Monday, May 23, 2011

"This is my special talent..."

Guy and Steve went on the fathers and sons camp out with the boys from church this weekend, so the girls and I had a camp out of our own on Friday night with some friends.   
No, we didn't sleep in the tent, silly!  No, we just played in it...


On Saturday, we spent the day shopping, people watching, eating out, and painting ceramics!  Our forte.

The boys had a great time on their trip, and Guy talked about it in his "spotlight" in Primary yesterday.

As the spotlight child, Guy was invited to "share a special talent or interest" with the other Primary children.  This is what he did:  He walked up to the front of the room and unrolled his sleeping bag for the kids to see.  Then said, "I went camping with my dad this weekend for the Fathers and Sons camp out."  Then he pulled out his pocket knife and started to wittle.  His complete disregard for knife safety was making the leaders nervous, I could tell, but the fact that someone was wielding a knife in the middle of Primary sure gave the kids a thrill!

Then he said, "We learned about the Priesthood during our camp out.  Someday, I will hold the priesthood.  I will use my priesthood to help other people.  This is my special talent."

It was very sweet.

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