My kids and I just had the following conversation over dinner:
Scarlett: "I want to be a teacher, like my teacher, when I grow up."
Me: "Oh, I thought you wanted to be a Mommy. Why don't...
Monday, February 28, 2011
Does This Count As FHE?
Continue reading... »
Seeing Double
This is what I just saw in my back yard...the birds are returning! (Can you see the one in flight on the right with wings extended?) Spring is returning too, and no one can tell me otherwise....
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Letter Writing Service Boot Camp Badge

True story: Last February, during Service Boot Camp, I did 30 consecutive days of service for others. It wasn't easy, but I was determined to do it--every day. They say serving others...
Thursday, February 24, 2011
7 Words to Include When Writing a Letter to a Child
As you write your thank you notes this week, consider making it a team effort by including your whole family in your service efforts. There are lots of ways to enlist children in the process of...
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
I just feel like thinking right now.
Not writing and thinking.
Not talking and thinking.
Not reading and thinking.
Not watching TV and thinking.
Not thinking because I can't sleep.
Just plain old thinking.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The Healing Power of Letter Writing
I hope that the letters that you have written this month have been a boon to your soul and that your words have been an unexpected joy to the recipients. But perhaps some of you have been reading...
Monday, February 21, 2011
"I Am Not Left-Handed"
My hand is still wrapped, making it difficult to write my thank you notes.
(and difficult to type)
A small set-back.
Have you ever written with the opposite hand? I have been writing left-handed now for over a week, and I'm getting sort of good at it. I've also been eating left-handed, which has staved off my normal gorging! And a doctor friend of mine told me that using your left hand on occasion can stave off dementia as well.
I don't know about you, but I could use that kind of insurance.
It's true that I love The Princess Bride. I am fairly certain that there is a quote in the movie that can be used in pretty much any situation in life. It is also true that I have used every opportunity possible recently to interject that "I am not left-handed." If it wasn't so difficult to type, I'd turn this whole post into a scene from the movie...but alas...
I looked online just now for an image from the movie and discovered this t-shirt which depicts one of the greatest fight-scenes in movie history. ( my humble, if not misguided, opinion.)
(My apologies to anyone reading this who is anti-PB!)
I am still trying to figure out what I am supposed to be learning from my thumb injury. Perhaps it is that I need to develop skills that I have allowed to go dormant in order to strengthen myself as a whole? You know, work to make strengths out of my weaknesses. Maybe the lesson is to slow down and be careful about what I am doing. Or perhaps I am just supposed to beware of R.O.U.Ses? I don't know.
In other news, I hope you are keeping up with your letter-writing and reading.
(Try to read though Mosiah 26 today.)
If you are, then give yourself an entry for today's giveaway by commenting on this post.
I thought that these upcycled atlas envelopes by Bugaboo Gifts were the bomb, and just had to have them for a giveaway here in Service Boot Camp this month.
Kelly of Bugaboo Gifts makes a lot of cool paper products,
like these upcycled rigid mailers for instance:
They've got me cookoo for cocoa-puffs, if you know what I'm saying.
The winner will receive a set of atlas envelopes shown above.
To Enter do any of the following:
1. Leave a comment with your favorite Princess Bride quote.
2. Visit Bugaboo Gifts.
3. Mail a letter today (or if you mail one over the weekend that counts too.)
4. Keep up with your reading!
5. Build a snowman...which is what I am going to do right!
Have a great day...and please leave a separate comment for each entry!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Scripture Heroes & Primary Heroes
Guy received a special note and gift from his wonderful Primary teacher today. She is moving out of the area, and we'll be very sad to see her go. Sister Hare...a.k.a. Tarin is a great friend...
Book of Mormon,
Jesus Christ,
Friday, February 18, 2011
Message In A Bible
I had a fun chat with my friend over Facebook last night. It only reinforced what I have been thinking about over the last day or so, and here it is:
Blog posts are not scripture.
Scripture is scripture.
family history,
Service Boot Camp
Thursday, February 17, 2011
The Pull of the Sun is Too Strong
I received this in the mail yesterday...a sweet note cross-stitched by my friend Cherry who is celebrating a birthday today! Happy Birthday, Cherry!
I've got stuff to say, but the sunshine won't...
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
"You are part of us, and we are part of you..."
We had a fun visit with Uncle David last night. We only wish he could've stayed longer. I also wish that I wouldn't have accidentally DELETED ALL OF THE PHOTOS that I took of the fun that David and Guy had putting together an RC airplane, coloring with Scarlett, and wrestling in the basement. Booooooooooooooo, and 'thumbs-down,' I say to that! (the good thumb, anyway...)
The only pictures that survived were the ones I took of the 500 or so bubbles that Guy blew all over my living room the day before David arrived. What's special about these bubbles is that they don't pop quickly like regular bubbles. They stick around for a loooong time! When David was here, I discovered a bubble on the wall that was over 24 hours old. It's cool, you can catch them in your hand, but the clean-up is slightly more tedious with these bubbles, especially if you only have one good hand to scrub the floor.
Despite the mishap with the pictures, the memories that we've made with David will hopefully-like the special bubbles-not disappear, but linger, and remind us of the love that we have for our wonderful brother, uncle, and friend. We love you, David! Come back again soon!
As you are writing letters to people who have made a difference in your life this month, remember to include letters to those who are closest to you--your family.
Last week, we received a most exquisite letter from Steve's parents who will enter the MTC next Monday. Their words really touched my heart. I loved receiving this kind of guidance from parental figures. I love that they felt ok to lead out and share their thoughts with us their grown children. It was comforting to me to know that they love us this much--enough to put it into words that back-up their actions. And the things that they was so beautiful, prophetic, and moving.
The letter started out like this:
...and ended like this:
And what was in between was simply marvelous. I said what they wrote was prophetic, because they wrote the letter ten years ago and only decided to mail it now. I am so thankful that they didn't mail it in 2001, because if they had, I surely would never have had a chance to read it. I didn't become their daughter-in-law until May 22, 2004. What a blessing it is to be part of their family. They have taken such great care of me. They have loved me and encouraged me, and that has meant more to me than they know.
Perhaps, you are thinking of someone in your family who you need to write today. I hope that you do.
Today, someone will win a rubber return address stamp customized in the design of your choosing from the Etsy shop My Rubber Stamp!
Eunice from My Rubber Stamp has over 300 totally unique and stylish stamps in her shop and they are super affordable!
Eunice was recently featured in Knitting Today Magazine, and has more than just return address stamps for you to choose from. Check these out:
Ok, I could go on and on about this shop, but I must get on with the day here in my corner of the world!
TO ENTER do any of the following:
1. Leave a comment.
2. Be a follower.
3. Visit My Rubber Stamp and tell me your favorite designs.
4. Share this giveaway on FB (link to or like it!).
5. Send a letter to someone today (don't forget family members!)
6. Hug your children and tell them you love them.
7. Smile at someone who is rude to you today.
8. Eat breakfast.
9. Take a nap.
10. Do some laundry.
11. Revisit a goal that you've given up on.
12. Eat some chocolate.
13. Go outside and look for sunshine!
Just DO SOMETHING today to make it a great day...and you can have an entry!
Please remember to leave a separate comment for each entry...and GOOD LUCK!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Don't Be Bashful, Spring!
Spring is coming. I can sense it. I can smell it. It's just around the corner.
I delivered a spring-themed gift to a friend just now...with no coat on...just to prove my point.
With One Hand Tied Behind My Back
I sprained my thumb on Saturday evening playing a mean game of volleyball with some friends. I haven't really played volleyball since I was pregnant with Guy, so despite my injury (which happened...
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