Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Our Next Guest Blogger is...YOU!

I've realized in the last year or so that I really seem to have a thing for the number 30. Evidence #1:  The Family Proclamation lessons that I did every day for 30 days with my children back in...
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Monday, August 30, 2010

The Doctrine of Family Is The Doctrine of Christ & WINNERS of the RSVP Giveaway

Pop Quiz:  What does the story of Job teach us about Family? (...answer in a minute...) Most people think of the trials of Job and recall his faithful testimony and resilience.  But for...
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Friday, August 27, 2010

Say My Name, Say My Name...

This blog is all my husband's fault.  If you must know. I might have mentioned this before, but if you are new around here, you might not know. When I got married, my name changed from Jocelyn...
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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Love for The Family Proc & PARTY FAVORS FOR YOU

The Family Proclamation Celebration is just five days away! Are you feeling it? Are you feeling the excitement of:60 guest bloggers100's of your posts on the proclamationWeekly, themed link-up parties...
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