Monday, October 29, 2018

Beauty for Ashes

Earlier today, I came out of the grocery store and discovered this on my windshield. Someone decided that each Oct 29th, on the anniversary of their father's death from cancer, they would make...
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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Ten Years of Autumn

Today is my third child's 10th birthday!  Autumn Frost Christensen is often a whisper of a presence, so gentle and sometimes has a mysterious nature because she doesn't say everything that's...
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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

A Transition Time

Families are so important.  And I'm so grateful for the one that I came from.  I love that I can pick up the phone, or more accurately, my sisters always call me, to see how I am doing...
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Monday, October 22, 2018

I Still Want My Monday Nights!

Hi there.  I'm excited for the church changes.  Everyone, please don't get me wrong, but every time I pour over what needs to be done/changed, I feel like I now have to take apart a puzzle...
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Friday, October 19, 2018


This is the face of someone who just took a two-week fast from social media and other media that brings negative and impure thoughts, as directed by a prophet of God in the most recent General Conference...
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Saturday, October 6, 2018

General Conference: THIS is the Greatest Show!

Yay, General Conference!  That first Saturday Morning session was the bomb!  I just wanted to pop in here real quick and share what we're doing to help the kids enjoy and get the most out...
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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

A Happier, Less Complicated Life

We made signs to post along our General Conference 5k for FHE last night.  I was in a hurry to find quotes from last Conference so I took them from a site that had compiled a quick list of them. ...
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