Monday, September 15, 2014

Time to Celebrate Family

It's about that time again, my friends.  It's time to Celebrate Family.  Every September, Montserrat and a menagerie of bloggers, and I take a few weeks to think about, talk about, and share ideas about family.

I know what you're thinking (because I'm thinking it too)...who in the world has time to drop everything and celebrate family??  Certainly not me.  That type of thing is for the person with a perfect family and well-behaved, A+ achieving children.  That type of thing is for the woman who gets pregnant at the drop of a hat, who keeps her floors and dishes spotless, who makes incredible meals, has time to work out, and never gets mad at her children.  It's certainly not for someone like me, who feels like I'm winging it most of the time, who struggles with relationships, who can hardly find time to read a verse of scripture before I drop into bed at night, or whose family hardly resembles the ideal gathering of individuals of which fairy tales are made!

I know, I've thought those thoughts. But if you are thinking that, please hear my voice when I say that the next two weeks of Celebrate Family ARE FOR YOU! 

Starting Wednesday, we'll be sharing posts that deal with the basics of family life: How to encourage good sibling relationships, how to really listen to your kids, how to show love to your spouse, how to find time to nourish yourself so that you can be at your best and enjoy your time with your family.

I believe in focusing on the basics.  If there is anything regarding family that you have questions about or would like to see us address in the coming weeks, please ask!  We have a lot of wonderful words of wisdom coming your way, but these posts can be made better by your input.  

So please send your questions my way:

Also, mark your calendars.  We will be hosting link-ups (where you can link your Family Proclamation-related posts) on Monday, September 22 and Sunday the 28th.


  1. Oh one of my favorite times. I love the posts on the Family Proclamation. Keep up the good works and blessings to you and all that participate.

  2. Memorizing The Family: A Proclamation to the World with the kiddos this year! It's bringing up so many discussions we haven't had before.

  3. This is always a great series. Looking forward to it!

