There I was, kneeling at the altar, hand in hand with the most amazing man with whom I was about to be joined for time and all eternity. It was a long journey to the altar, both literally and figuratively. We had just spent the past two days in our little Hyundai Elantra driving from our home in central Pennsylvania all the way out to Ogden, Utah to be sealed in what had been described to me as “the castle.” There were obviously Temples closer to home, but there were also three very important people my husband and I knew needed to be there. Brother Done, Brother West and Brother Sparrow, or as we know them, the elders. They were all integral parts in getting us to the Temple and we wanted them to be there!
We met Elder Done when he came knocking on our door one cold, winter evening. He asked us to come to sacrament meeting, and he asked me to read the Book of Mormon.
I was hesitant but eventually opened the pages and was instantly engulfed by the Holy Spirit.
Elder Done and Elder West, who joined him a few weeks later, quickly became a part of our family as they visited frequently to eat us out of house and home, and share their testimonies.
I was a sponge, soaking up every word, every lesson, every scripture they would share with me. My husband was an inactive before they came, but grew up in the church. All I knew of Mormons was what I had been told by others, so I was glad to finally know the truth for myself. After the first sacrament meeting in February, we attended weekly. I read my scriptures. I asked questions. I had a passion for Heavenly Father I had never felt before.
Fast forward to mid-May. Elder Done’s mission has come to an end. I felt as though I was losing a brother and I didn’t approve of the new missionary, Elder Sparrow, taking his place. However, he joined Elder West in continuing to feed my hunger for the Spirit and in no time, he was another part of our family. Weekly meals, lessons, nerf gun battles, became the norm at our house. They came to our civil wedding in July and when Elder West told me he would be transferred soon, I fast tracked my baptism. I was baptized into the church on August 8, 2014. It was one of the greatest days of the life. I spent the next year in anticipation of our sealing. I wasn’t sure we would be ready. It was going to take so much personal and couple preparation. "Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally." (The Family: a Proclamation to the World.)
Til death do us part I could handle, but this was for all time and eternity. Were we ready for that? Then the message came one day early on in the year…Elder Done was getting married…in August…and Andy was asked to be a groomsman. Well I didn’t need a ton of bricks to hit me in the head. That was our sign. We could be sealed, in the company of the missionaries that were so near and dear to us, while we were there. We called them all right away. I’m fairly certain they were more excited than me, if that was even possible, as one even yelled when we asked them to be our witness.
Til death do us part I could handle, but this was for all time and eternity. Were we ready for that? Then the message came one day early on in the year…Elder Done was getting married…in August…and Andy was asked to be a groomsman. Well I didn’t need a ton of bricks to hit me in the head. That was our sign. We could be sealed, in the company of the missionaries that were so near and dear to us, while we were there. We called them all right away. I’m fairly certain they were more excited than me, if that was even possible, as one even yelled when we asked them to be our witness.
The closer August got the more eager I became. I would wake up every day and look at Andy and the first thing I would say was, “’so many’ days to the Temple!!!” However, getting there was no easy feat. We heard there would be trials. We heard Satan would do whatever he could to keep us from getting to the Temple. We had NO idea! Trying to find a place to stay became a problem, trying to find a place to board the dogs became a problem, trying to find somewhere for our kids when the original plans fell through at the last minute, needing new brakes and tires for the car, finances, previously non-existent arguments…Things kept piling up, and being thrown at us. But we were determined, together, to get to the Temple. We are lucky to have some of the most amazing people in our ward, who have become very close friends. These friends are always willing to go above and beyond. They have helped us when it seemed impossible, and kept our faith strong.
Then, Satan made one final move. We had a short 25 minute drive from Centerville to Ogden to get to the Temple. A piece of aluminum metal sheeting that was on the road got kicked up by the tractor trailer in front of us and hit our car. We thought for certain it was coming through the windshield, but, by the grace of God, it hit our bumper, hood and flew off to the side. We made it to the temple, a little shaken, but okay.
Then, Satan made one final move. We had a short 25 minute drive from Centerville to Ogden to get to the Temple. A piece of aluminum metal sheeting that was on the road got kicked up by the tractor trailer in front of us and hit our car. We thought for certain it was coming through the windshield, but, by the grace of God, it hit our bumper, hood and flew off to the side. We made it to the temple, a little shaken, but okay.
There was no stopping us. I understood. This was Heavenly Father’s plan. In the Family Proclamation, it states, "The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan." We were meant to be sealed for eternity on that day, and no matter how hard Satan tried, Heavenly Father was on our side. The day went by in a blur. Everyone told me it would take a while to go through everything, but I felt as though I was there for mere minutes before entering the Sealing Room and saw the smiling faces of our friends. As the ceremony came to an end, I cannot explain the rush that came over me as anything but pure love and joy. It was real. We had made it.
As I think back from the first knock on the door, to stepping into the Temple on that beautiful August morning, I now realize it had already been written. Each and every word. Heavenly Father already knew the path we would choose and each trial we would face, and that we could come out better on the other side…eternally together.
My name is Katie Landis and I live in Mifflinburg, Pa with my husband Andy, our 5 amazing kiddos, 3 dogs, 2 cats, and a partridge in a pear tree... We're always on the go with sports, scouts and other activities and we wouldn't have it any other way. I love our loud, crazy hectic family, and my equally busy life! I am a fun-loving, spunky gal who runs an at-home daycare during the day and parties with Thirty-One by night! I love singing, football, especially my Broncos, and shopping! I am all about loving the journey and teaching my kids and the awesome people that I meet along the way that life is more rewarding when you love your journey too!
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I loved reading about this wonderful family!!! With a son out in the mission field, it makes it even more special to me to think about how many people are changing their lives to receive eternal blessings that the Lord has for them. Congratulations!!!!!!! :-)
ReplyDeleteI loved reading your journey to the temple. It is also a fabulous missionary story. I think it is so awesome that you could get sealed in the temple and have your missionaries there. Blessings for this one~
ReplyDeleteWhat a happy story! Thanks for sharing.