I was feeling the Spirit pretty strongly in church yesterday...It had a lot to do with the hymns we sang. Joseph Smith's First Prayer, Jesus, Once of Humble Birth, and Hark, All Ye Nations all...
Monday, April 30, 2012
The Long Night is O'er
Continue reading... »
Thursday, April 26, 2012
The Best Thing About Being Pregnant
The best thing about being pregnant is telling the people who love you and seeing their happiness at hearing your news.
Yes, blogging friends, I AM PREGNANT.
And this is why I haven't been...
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
I Didn't Vote for Mitt Romney

Guy did.
Happy Voting today to Primary voters in
New York,
and Rhode Island!
And thank you to NPR for reminding...
Monday, April 23, 2012
Manners FHE
What happens at FHE, stays at FHE.
Unless you blog about your FHEs...which I do, so here we go.
I asked Scarlett to lead us in singing "Kindness Begins With Me," but instead...
Saturday, April 21, 2012
We Feel It a Pleasure to Serve Thee

Last September, our area was devastated by severe flooding from the Susquehanna and other surrounding waterways. The historic Bloomsburg Fairgrounds sat under eight feet of water. The...
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Take On Me
I keep having these completely abstract thoughts as I'm falling asleep at night. I think about blogging about them, but in the light of morning they only make sense to me.
Last night,...
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
We Can Choose FHE
Do you ever check out the Family Home Evening Resource Book?
You should!
It's full of wise and wonderful, gospel-based family home evening lessons.
And you don't have to have an old...
family home evening,
FHE Chronicles,
Jesus Christ
Sunday, April 15, 2012
If I Could Save Time in a Bottle
When I was building our General Conference wall this year, I used this well-known picture from the gospel art kit as our prompt to listen for the words "eternal marriage." As I taped this...
Thursday, April 12, 2012
The Hard Work of Motherhood
Lately, I haven't felt like blogging as much as I normally do.
I guess I've been indulging in the beautiful, secret world that only my kids and I know.
Maybe you and your children also hold...
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Are You Staying for Dinner?

Yesterday was our last day of Spring Break, so it was like FHE all day yesterday.
We took off and left town for a change of scenery. We visited a military museum, painted our own pottery,...
Monday, April 9, 2012
A Bridge to You
My friend Cherry sent me these lovely stationery photo cards in the mail. She took the pictures herself of bridges that she sees every day in her home city of Brooklyn, NY. Each photo...
Thursday, April 5, 2012
That Our Sins Might Be Washed Away

Just in case 30 Christ-centered Easter traditions is not enough for you...
Here is one more that we did today:
We are on Spring Break, so the kids invited some friends over to play.
After doing...
We Talk of Christ...and so do YOU!

Listen up, friends!
I have an important announcement:
It's "open mic night" at Mormon.org this weekend!
That's right, Mormon.org has created a special new Easter page where YOU can
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Always Want to Be (GIVEAWAY)
For anyone reading this who doesn't know how this line ends, it's from a children's song, and it goes like this, "I always want to be with my own family...and the Lord has shown me how I can."...
general conference,
Jesus Christ,
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Our Questions Answered
President Uchtdorf by Scarlett
Last night, we pulled out the list of questions that we wrote down last week at FHE that we hoped to have answered during General Conference. And guess what? ALL...
FHE Chronicles,
general conference,
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Resurrection Rolls Recipe
Welcome to my new readers from KSL! Watch my interview on Mormon Times right now by following this link:
Christ-centered Easter Traditions Interview on KSL
This is such an awesome...
Jesus Christ,
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