Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Mighty Good Man

"If all men had been and were and ever would be" this Man--My Man--then every little girl would be smiling like my girl was tonight as she went off to dance with her Daddy at their first Daddy/Daughter Dance!

I'm so thankful that I am married to such a mighty fine man.
And that we have been blessed to raise such sweet children together.


  1. So cute! Our girls got to go to their first Daddy/Daughter Dance this year too. I know it will be a great new tradition.

  2. That is so sweet! My brother-in-law and niece forgot to go to ours (we had a baby shower for my sister that day...) so I look forward to sending them off next time! I hope I can marry a man that will make my children happy, too!

  3. Absolutely fantastic...what a joy!

  4. Ciara and Rocky had so much fun there too!

  5. Can I cry I now? My grandfather and I did some things together when I was young, but nothing like this! You truly are blessed to have such a wonderful man for husband, friend, and father!
