Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Christ-Centered "Egg-Stuffers"

I was gathering Christ-centered items to stuff inside eggs for Easter egg hunts and gifts for little friends, and I remembered this sweet little booklet that was published in the March 2008 Friend Magazine. It's called The Story of Jesus Christ and the illustrations are very nice. Just click on the link to print one out for yourself! I don't know yet if it will actually fit into a plastic egg, but I'm going to get the big ones and give it a try. This booklet is going to a beloved friend of ours, so no egg required.

I also spied these stickers at the dollar store the other week and snatched them up. I just really treasured reading the many names and titles of Jesus Christ. Each one tells us something more about who he is. And stickers are always a fun treat for kids!

In the same Friend magazine as mentioned above, there is another sweet story called "Candy or Kindness" that would be a nice one to read to children before the candy-craziness begins!
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Future Priesthood-holders of America

This is what happens when you try to get boy cousins to pose for a nice picture outside of the temple.These are our future priesthood-holders, people!Rest assured, the future is in good hands!I hear that...
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Monday, March 29, 2010

Of the Fish and Honeycomb...He Did Truly Eat

For Family Home Evening, we ate foods that Jesus might have eaten: grapes wheat bread olives dried dates cheese honey olive oil/vinegar dried figs sea salt legumes (hummus) garlic fish You'll...
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Sunday, March 28, 2010


Yay! Easter Week is finally here.Admittedly, I'm not as prepared to do all of the fun things I'd like to do with my family, because I spent last week playing and traveling with my sister and her family...BUT...I...
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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Easter Treat: Bird Nests

Pin It It's a nest. It's a treat. It's a bird nest you can eat! (It's also a great source of fiber.) Ingredients: Fiber One Cereal A Bag of mini-Marshmallows A stick of butter A...
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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Great Easter Giveaway: WINNERS!

We are so psyched over here, because the Resurrection Puzzle that we bought just came in the mail today...and it is every bit as wonderful as we had hoped it would be. My daughter is completely enamored...
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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Resurrection Rolls

Pin It This Easter activity is such an awesome way to talk about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ with young children. My thoughtful friend Kimberly clued me in to this activity, and I'm so...
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Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Great Easter Giveaway

As a way to kick-start our Christ-centered Easter season, and as a special thank you to you, my blog friends,I have put together: The Great Easter Giveaway!On Wednesday, March 24th, I will be giving away...
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Dough Also Rises

My Mother is the Master Baker.Growing up, the smell of fresh-baked bread often filled our home.On St. Patrick's Day she always made green bread,so in honor of her, I baked this green bread using her recipe.And...
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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

There's No Place Like Home

I have signed my son up for preschool starting next school year.I know he'll do great and he'll love school, I'm just not sure I'm ready yet to send my sweet boy out THERE. But I'm working on it.Out...
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Friday, March 12, 2010

Let There Be...Sunshine

This is The Lewisburg Freez at approximately 1:15pm yesterday.The Freez is both a local landmark and a social hot-spot. The moment it opens for the season, there are mobs of people waiting to buy their...
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

He Waits to Gather You

" often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings..." (Matt. 23:37)We have been taking full advantage of these sunny days we've had recently.We...
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