Wednesday, December 30, 2009

30 Days for The Family (A Proclamation to the World)

We had a blast in December, crafting and learning about Christ.I just couldn't let the fun end there.But what to do?Thankfully, my sister Dawno, sent me a link to a special address given by Sis. Julie...
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Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Littlest Angel...Christmas Book Activity: Day 24

My family has been reading The Littlest Angel togetherevery Christmas Eve since 1971 (when my parents were engaged).This story has so much emotion tied up in it,that we mostly just sob through the whole...
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

We Were There...Christmas Book Activity: Day 23

Hello Friend.If you've made it all the way through our Christmas of stories and crafting...Bravo! And thank you for joining in on our Christmas fun!Only one day to go...Today's story, We Were There,...
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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Morris' Disappearing Bag...Christmas Book Activity: Day 22

Morris' Disappearing Bag is a delightful storyabout a family celebrating Christmas Day.The youngest boy feels left out,because his siblings say that he is too young to play with their new toys.Eventually,...
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Monday, December 21, 2009

A Christmas Dress For Ellen...Christmas Book Activity: Day 21

Our neighbor Max and his "Gram Clark" stopped by to craft with us this morning.The idea for these "scrapball ornaments" came from a site called The Red Thread.To make them, we simply cut fabric scraps...
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Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Donkey's Dream...Christmas Book Activity: Day 20

My little man worked hard on today's project after church today.He looked serious and grown up in that clip-on tie.I had to just sit back and watch him for a while...I could easily envision him as a Father,...
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Christmas Star - A Gift from Scarlett's Nursery Leaders

We have the greatest, most loving, caring, dedicated, and prepared Nursery leaders in our church.Each week, they teach the children true principles of the gospel of Christ.They speak on their level. ...
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Christmas In July 2009

We did see Santa this year.In his home base...The North Pole.Guy hugged him and said, "I love you, Santa."Scarlett was thrilled to see him, but preferred to wave and shout out his name,instead...
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Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Clown of God...Christmas Book Activity: Day 19

I received today's story --The Clown of God-- from a very good friend of mine, whose father used to read this story to her as a child.It took me a while to really get this story,but I have come to love...
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Friday, December 18, 2009

A New Star...Christmas Book Activity: Day 18

What could be more miraculous and more fitting to announce the birth of the Savior--the light of the world--than a new star?The Star of "Beth-hel-ham" Guy pronounced it today...was surely noticed...
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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Snowmen at Night...Christmas Book Activity: Day 17

This is what I call flaky, sugary, buttery goodness.They also go by the name "Butterflies".I made them for two cookie exchanges today. Here is the recipe, as recorded by my Mother.Ingredients:3 cups...
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