Our next blogger Erin and I both have ties to the "singles scene" in DC.
She is a very talented woman who gives so much of herself to others.
She is a very talented woman who gives so much of herself to others.
And I'm happy that she has agreed to share with us today.
Here is Erin of Moments of Clarity and Chaos!
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Erin, and I am a beloved daughter of heavenly parents, and,
as such, I have a divine nature and destiny. I am a woman, with an individual premortal, mortal, and
eternal identity and purpose.
My identity, purpose, and destiny will be quite different from yours. It is unique to me and designed by
my Creator. There are no flaws in His plan. It is my duty as an obedient and loving daughter to accept
and find joy in His plan for me.
I am 35 years old, and I have never been married, nor do I have children. Many of my greatest
desires, including those of wife and mother, have not been given to me (yet?). I have endured many
trials – some with more grace than others. I have learned to turn my life over to the Lord and to
always be an instrument in His hands. I realized many years ago that the Lord’s Plan for me may
not include the opportunity to serve Him with a family, or to raise children or be a wife. But that I
have the great opportunity and responsibility to serve the rest of the Lord’s children. I take great
joy in finding and discovering the many ways I can serve the Lord and I can have a very fulfilling life.
I have been told by a few too many well meaning individuals that I will be a “ministering angel” in the
next life. Or that I lost my husband in the war in heaven. (Do people really think it is somehow flattering
or comforting to be told my life will have more meaning when I die??) Which is why the Proclamation
brings great comfort to me.
As stated so eloquently in scriptures and in the Proclamation, I do have a divine nature and destiny. If
I am to remain single, never to be a mother or wife, it is because that is the way the Lord designed it.
My life is still in His hands, and He still has a purpose for me. It is my job to discover what other ways
I can serve Him and His children. I am blessed to know that while being a mother and wife is the plan
for most, that it isn’t the plan for all. And I can take comfort in that. It is not always easy to accept that
the Plan for my life is not as straight-forward and obvious as it is for some, and that I will not be given
all that I have so righteously desired. But I trust in the Lord and find joy in my own personal journey.
From author C.S. Lewis, “Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At
first, perhaps, you can understand what he is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks
in the roof and so on: you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised.
“But presently he starts knocking the house that in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make
sense. What on earth is he up to? The explanation is that he is building quite a different house from the
one you thought of-throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers,
making courtyards.
“You thought you were going to be made into a decent little cottage: but he is building up a palace. He intends to come and live in it himself.”
If you need directions to find your mansion, the answers are in the Proclamation.
Thanks so much, Erin!
Now feel free to link-up your Family Proclamation posts from this week.
Remember to link up to a specific post address!
Now feel free to link-up your Family Proclamation posts from this week.
Remember to link up to a specific post address!
And remember that every link-up and comment enters you to win one of these prizes...And as always make sure you check out Chocolate today too!
Here are the party favors for this week:
I will announce the winners of the following prizes on Sunday!
an 11x14 print of "Para Siempre" using LDS Temple Font
Description: "Para Siempre", means "Forever". The font is made exclusively of LDS temple parts. This print can be personalized with your family name and established/sealing date."

a customizable Family Proclamation Photo Album
It includes words from the entire Proclamation...You just insert your own family photos!
"I Belong" hand-stamped baptism necklace
Description: "I BELONG 2010 stamped on one inch nickle silver disc. Attached to 24 inch silver plated ball chain. Chain may be cut down to shorter size. This item is designed with creativity and is custom hand stamped especially for you! That is what makes each piece unique." by Just Be Jewelry
Birthday Countdown Blocks
This item helps you countdown 31 days until a birthday. Lettering is customizable.
Expandable Temple Tote Pattern in PDF
(There will be 2 Winners of this pattern!!)
Really? someone said those "ministering angel" and "husband lost in war in heaven" to you? Really? Oh my goodness. I'm sitting here fuming at stupidity. And if it were me they were saying these things to, I fear I'd have to take them out.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm too hot to tell you in concise words how blessed you are...but you know it. So all's well.
Thank you...keep on keepin' on....exaltation awaits you!
You have got to love people.... Great blog, and let me tell you, you now have every woman reading Being LDS trying to think of the perfect fellow... Better watch it! haha
ReplyDeleteAwesome post!!
ReplyDeleteI'm just always amazed at the insensitive things people can say!!
I'm happy that you know who you are and don't let it get to you!!
there is a testing/trial involved in being single whether you are never married, divorced or widowed. sounds like you understand yourself better than most...all blessings will come to you in Heavenly Father's time and for the time being there are many opportunities to serve and love others plus improve on your many talents and abilities...go for it. Be a shining light in our dark world...
ReplyDeleteHow I love C.S. Lewis! Thank you.
ReplyDeleteWell said. He indeed has a plan for all of us.
ReplyDeleteReally enjoyed this beautiful post. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteNo matter who we are, the Lord truly does have a plan for us. What a blessing.
This was a lovely post.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the C.S. Lewis quote, too; I had to sit quietly with it for a minute.
Thanks for the great post! Love it and I love that quote!
ReplyDeleteI cringe at the thought of those comments and the possibility they came from our family....ahem. Great post, miss you!
ReplyDeleteThat C.S. Lewis quote is my favorite.
ReplyDeleteSuch an amazing post! Beautifully said and something I will be sharing with my children.
ReplyDeleteOh that we could each learn as much from whatever trials we are faced with! Excellent post.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this great post!
ReplyDeleteI love love LOVE this post. Such a beautiful reflection on what really matters.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this words.
Thank you all! I appreciate it! And thanks to Jocelyn for letting me share!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post! That was so elegantly stated, showing your true royal lineage. Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI used to get things like, "You're the next Sheri Dew!" As if THAT was a compliment/the desire of my heart, right? Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteErin, you're AWESOME! Thanks for sharing! I love that quote from CS Lewis. And your confidence in the plan is so important for me to hear!
ReplyDeleteI love the pic!