Monday, March 1, 2021

Grateful for the laying on of hands

I got set apart for my new/second calling today.  I was called to the Primary months ago, but because of the pandemic, I was never set apart.  And our Primary doesn't meet in-person, so there wasn't a rush.

Anyway, my husband and I finally got set apart as Primary teachers and the blessing my Bishop gave me was so comforting and just wonderful. I felt that he was truly receiving revelation just for me. And it was really nice.

When the blessing was finished I thought a normal reaction would be to shake hands, but of course due to the pandemic, that wasn't going to happen.  And then I was suddenly really grateful that he could still place his hands on my head and use the priesthood power to bless me.  At least the pandemic hasn't paused the priesthood and the laying on of hands.

It's funny the things that we suddenly hold dearer when we almost lose them.

The photo below is my 3-year old boy Coy Boone. He is growing so fast.  He was so proud to wear this little suit to church today.  My boys love me and want to be connected to me at all times, physically and in basically all other ways.  They swear that they never want to grow up.  Something tells me that they will...but for now I'm soaking up their love.  And I'm soaking up the words of my blessing today and the help that I know God will continue to give me in raising these little ones...and in doing His work.


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