Thursday, January 30, 2020

Standing by the witnesses we have already received

I was just perusing the February 2020 Ensign and these dates struck me.   It was three years after the First Vision until Joseph Smith had another heavenly visitor.  Three...
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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Fighting Preacher

I finally watched The Fighting Preacher, and I was absolutely touched. I knew the story which is amazing in and of itself, but they really knocked it out of the park.  It's a fun,...
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Tuesday, January 28, 2020

New Mid-week Activities

These girls are off to church activities this evening....the first time for Honor. She's a little excited! Autumn is moving up to the Young Women's program with Scarlett and by the time...
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Monday, January 27, 2020

one day they grew up

I was recently telling my Mom that our struggles with technology with my oldest made it hard for me to blog as much as I used to, just because I can't have the computer laying around anymore. Then...
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Sunday, January 26, 2020

Children and Youth (AND Mom) Goals

How are you kids doing on their Children and Youth Goals?We're getting a slow start but when my child shows an interest in learning something I try my best to jump on it, like the Sunday afternoon...
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Friday, January 24, 2020

Exploring Differences at #FHE

During #FHE tonight we explored differences, different abilities, disabilities, different ethnicities, races, religions, etc. And that some disabilities are harder to see. We talked about...
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we're all in this together

I think of Laman and Lemuel as representative of "The Natural Man" and Nephi and Sam as the Spiritual Man or Woman who has tamed their inner self-centeredness. Guys, we've got both "characters"...
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