Tuesday, July 23, 2013

It was a pleasure serving you.

Fact:  Satan does not want you to feel the joy that comes from doing good. He is the world's #1 buzz kill. Yesterday, that was made all too clear to me, as I was presented with lots...
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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Learning the Apostles' Names

As I mentioned some time ago, our family has set a goal to learn the names of all of the apostles and one of their most recent teachings. To help us accomplish this, we created a poster...
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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Armed with the Spirit

I was reading for my 30 Day Book of Mormon Challenge today, and I had a breakthrough understanding of Alma 17. This is the part of The Book of Mormon where Alma the Younger runs into his buddies...
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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sweet is the Truth the Gospel Brings

Last week, we met our friends downtown for the sidewalk chalk festival.  This is our third (or fourth?) year participating, and it is always a lot of fun as the kids (and adults) get to draw...
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Monday, July 15, 2013

Read the Book of Mormon in 30 Days Bookmark

Bloggers are cool. Missionaries are cool. Missionaries who blog and bloggers who are missionaries are super, duper cool. (Because I said so.) So, tonight, I am here to introduce you to...
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Friday, July 12, 2013

She don't know she's beautiful...

Seriously, guys, if you had this baby to play with, you wouldn't be blogging much either! And seriously, she's 8 months old and pretty close to walking... another thing she doesn't quite realize...
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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My 4th of July Playlist

It's almost time of our annual neighborhood 4th of July parade!! And we are busy getting ready.  Here is my Fourth of July Playlist: (In order of awesomeness...kinda...) "Barbara Ann"...
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You guys remember in December, when we built that sweet igloo? Well, now Steve is building a treehouse...and the kids are so psyched. The floorboards are up...but it's not completely solid...
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