Thursday, February 28, 2013

Saying Good-bye to a Good Home

So, we moved our stuff on Saturday with the help of 30 ward members, however, we couldn't sleep in our new house until we closed on Tuesday.  Which means, we slept on the floor in our empty house for about four days.  Good times.

On the final night in our old house, we had a fun FHE with our neighbors playing hide & go seek and sardines in our empty place.  Perfect for finding hideouts!  We swung on the basement swings one last time and said our "I love yous," to this wonderful home and called it a night.

That morning after the kids went to school, we decided to leave behind a little message from us to any future occupants to find some day.

We hid it in a secret compartment.

It feels good to know that a little piece of us is still a part of that house...the best part of us really, our testimonies.  Simple but true...that families are forever.

Our special family saying is, "I love you forever, no matter what."  

During the move I've been able to tell my children, "I love your forever, no matter what, and no matter where."

The Lord has truly guided this entire experience and made it very sweet for us.


  1. Love this! Congratulations on your move. :)

  2. A very sweet post on your move! I love the thought of: "I love you forever, no mater what, and no matter where.
    Blessings for you all in your new home!

  3. Wishing you many happy new memories in your new home!

  4. That is such a neat idea to do that. Best of luck in your new home!

  5. How sweet! Love the idea of leaving a little piece of your family in the home. How fun will that be when someone finds the secret compartment one day!

  6. I love that you left a secret note! What a special treasure that will be for someone in the future.
