Sunday, June 24, 2012

Summer Lovin'!

My kids and I have been having tons of fun with these sweet cousins who are here visiting us this week.  It's been busy, but all smiles and giggles.  Can't wait to be with them again in...
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Monday, June 18, 2012

Baby News FHE

We've got news about the baby! (And we're spreading it far and wide during FHE tonight!) As I mentioned previously, we don't normally "find out."  We love a good surprise, but lately...
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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Not About Nazis

As you guys know, I don't read a ton of books for myself...and when I do, I prefer real-life accounts, nonfiction, self-help, scriptures, that kind of stuff.  There is so much that I don't...
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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Family Prayer FHE

Steve taught us about the purpose of family prayer last night during FHE. He told a story he found in lesson #18 of the FHERB about how family prayer helped some children think of ways they...
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Monday, June 11, 2012

The Help

I am really enjoying having my kids home with me!  Ok, fine, it's only been a week, and I did have to break down and purchase a pool pass to keep everyone happy, however, they have been so...
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Friday, June 8, 2012

Summer Countdown Paper Chain

We created our "Countdown to Kindergarten" paper chains today! We did this for the first time last year, when Guy was gearing up for Kindergarten, and it was so much fun!  Each day we remove...
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Thursday, June 7, 2012

What Will the Baby Look Like?

   Summer is in full swing around here. Proof positive:  Summer Journals are back. (Actually we do "kid writing" every morning...yesterday we wrote and mailed letters.) Today,...
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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Love at Home FHE

At face value, FHE was a little bit of a disaster last night...but from my kids' perspective, they probably thought it was the best lesson ever! :) Scarlett was asleep on the couch (and halfway...
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Monday, June 4, 2012

Let the Games Begin

It's the first official day of summer vacation in the Christensen-household, and we are off to an OK start.  The kids are doing their "kid writing", and I'm going to try to stick to a healthy...
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Friday, June 1, 2012


Well, we made it through Kindergarten...and LOVED IT! Today is Guy's last day of school, and I am happy to say that he has "stayed sweet" through his first year in school.  He has learned...
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