Tuesday, February 15, 2011

With One Hand Tied Behind My Back

I sprained my thumb on Saturday evening playing a mean game of volleyball with some friends.  I haven't really played volleyball since I was pregnant with Guy, so despite my injury (which happened about 45 minutes into play), I was so pleased to discover that I have retained the skills and instincts that I had worked for many years to develop in my youth...and that the game that I love still brings me joy.  

It's been an interesting experience, so far, TRYING to figure out how to do everything with one hand...and not the hand that I normally use.  There's wisdom to be learned in this experience.  Steve said as much in the blessing that he gave me on Sunday, so I'm just laying low for now, trying to listen and observe and be teachable.  (And no, Mom, the lesson is not that playing sports is hazardous to ones health!!!) :)

Me:  Laying low.
While I am laying low at home, I am also guest posting at  The Story of A Nice Mormon Girl today...Click on over there and find out why Love means never having to remember what a doofus you once were...

my bruised hand
(Ew!  Sorry about that...Just fishing for a few sympathy comments!)

Now to announce the winner of yesterday's giveaway of rejection note card from

Rejection Letters Make Great Paper Airplanes Greeting Card

Thanks for sharing all of your awesome rejection stories!  Some of them were pretty funny in retrospect!  The winner is Angela B (comment 10)!  Email me your mailing address, please, Angela!  Congrats!


Keep up, keep up...You can do it!


  1. Hey now! What a cool battle wound. And volleyball??? YOu know I'm all about it...I would love to play with you next time *grin*
    Hope your thumb gets to feeling better, my dear.

  2. Love the facial hair.....so you! Hehehehehe. Hope the thumb heals quickly. :)

  3. Yes, the moustach and goatee is wonderful, as is your bruise. Hope it gets better soon, but hey, at least it was doing something fun and not lame like walking on the ice or something. :) (sorry, got ice and snow in the brain...lots still here!)

  4. Your bruise is glorious.

    And congrats to the winner!


  5. Oh DEAR! I'm so sorry. I wish I knew how to play volleyball though. I've always wanted to do that well.

  6. Sorry about the thumb, glad you are still typing!!

  7. Loved the pictures and the thoughts. Believe it or not at the age of 65 years; I still love a good game of basketball with my grandsons. I can't guard as well; but I can still get the lay ups. Yes, do take care of that thumb.
    Blessings and hugs to you! LeAnn

  8. That would be exactly Why Myself and Volleyball do not mix every time I played I got hurt!
    sorry your hurting Hope it heals soon.

  9. I hope you can still eat ice cream, cookies, cake and of course some nutritious food with your other hand. My Auntie Lyn says that food ranks high (very high) on her list of must haves.

  10. I'm doing well on the bofm challenge and also thank yous to friends and family. thanks for the challenge. sorry about your hand...get well soon.

  11. oh yes it is....it IS the lesson to be learned. exercise, sports...bad bad bad for your health

  12. Ouch! Swollen and discolored-I love when injuries are visible-you get so much more sympathy that way.

    I once had a terrible cold with a cough, it was a pathetic cough-sounded fake-but every time I coughed it was SO painful. Instead of sympathy all I got were jokes about how I was faking it. So here's to sympathy earning maladies!

  13. Love the moustache and the beard...i want to grow mine too...hahaha...

    I most esp. love your post at The Story of the nice Mormon Girl...it touched my heart...
