Here are my two oldest babies dressed in their Sunday best. At the start of the new year, Guy moved up into the Primary program at church, which meets for two hours every Sunday. He is in the "Sunbeam" class with his other three-year-old friends.
You might wonder what the children learn during this time and how someone could possibly hold their attention for two hours straight!? Well, the time is divided into Singing Time, Sharing Time, and Class Time with lessons specific to their age-group.
During Sharing time and class time they are taught basic gospel principles through lessons provided in a church manual. Guy's lesson book is called "I am a Child of God" and tomorrow he will most likely participate in a lesson called "Heavenly Father Has A Body". All of these lessons and manuals can be found online for use with your little ones. My 20-month-old Scarlett will most likely learn "Heavenly Father Has A Plan For Me" out of the Nursery manual.
They learn lots and lots of songs during Singing Time. Songs like "Love at Home", which I caught Guy singing to himself in the playroom earlier this week. We sing these Primary songs every evening before bed and at random times througout the day. They have a calming effect and help to teach the children important truths. I think the song "Can a little child like me?" is especially sweet. Click on the title to listen to it.
The children will learn many things by the time they leave Primary at age twelve. They will have memorized many scriptures including the Articles of Faith. They will also have experience speaking in front of an audience, setting goals, and serving others.
Read more about Primary in this article called Train Up A Child.
cute kids, welcome back. let's see a photo of the new little one.