Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Final Inning: Preparing for Christ's Second Coming

My Dad used to joke whenever we read about the creation of the world in Genesis. Instead of "In the beginning," he'd say, "In the BIG Inning..." We believe that we are now in the "Final Inning" of the world-the last days-and as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are looking toward and preparing for the great day when the Lord Jesus Christ will return to the earth. We believe that God has reserved his most righteous and talented spirit children to come down...
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Sunday, August 24, 2008

God's Glorious Sabbath

"Saturday is a special day.It's the day we get ready for Sunday:We clean the house, and we shop at the store,So we won't have to work until Monday."This song sung by the children of our church is not...
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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Respect For All People Everywhere

In the April 2008 General Conference, our new prophet Thomas S. Monson urged members of the church to "show kindness and respect for all people everywhere."He said, "The world in which we live is filled with diversity. We can and should demonstrate respect toward those whose beliefs differ from ours."I completely agree with this statement. Having never lived in a place with a large population of Latter-day Saints, most of my friends have not been church members. I am very comfortable...
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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Doing My Dream Job

Women in our church are given many opportunities to serve and lead. We are encouraged to get an education and to follow our dreams. As I have pursued my goals in life, I have benefited from the wisdom...
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Friday, August 1, 2008

Desperately Seeking...Family

Genealogy has become a very popular hobby for many people in recent years. In much the same way that many of us wonder about where we came from in a spiritual sense...we also have an underlying need...
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