My Mom. Oh how I love her! I'm proud to say I get my looks from her, my sense of fun and mischief from her, as well as a strong sense of autonomy and a boldness. (She always taught me, "No guts. No glory.")
She called me as I was getting ready one morning recently telling me that she and my Dad saw a clip of Lesley Gore singing that reminded them of me. So I decided I'd style my hair like the photo she sent me. I think I ended up looking more like "Susie Center" than Lesley Gore, and I'm pretty ok with that!
Little did I know that later that day, while at a doctor's appointment, I would need to use that "boldness" that she blessed me with in order to stand up for myself and I'm sure other women out there. Every experience and piece of wisdom and gift my parents have given me have been a blessing in my life.
It's a wild world, and I am so grateful for the gift of good and wise parents who help me navigate it.