Friday, April 30, 2021

We made it!!!

We did it!!!  Honor had her last day of school yesterday...her final math assessment of 2nd grade!It's been quite the adventure!I'm so grateful we could have this experience together...
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Thursday, April 29, 2021

Plant Night and Missionary Work

I brought a friend to a Relief Society activity last week where we learned gardening tips from our Stake RS president who is a Master Gardener through Penn State.My friend and I both enjoyed...
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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Reaching Out in Love to Youth

The girls had a special visit last evening from a dear lady at church named Sue Ellis.Sue conducts the music during Sacrament meeting and each year she takes a few youth aside and teaches...
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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Dear Self...

 This girl does something really funny...she writes letters to herself.She's been doing it for a while now. I think it is something that she started during the pandemic.She is writing these letters...
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Monday, April 26, 2021

Return to 2nd Hour Church

 Isn't it funny how a few short years ago when they announced we'd be moving from 3 hour church to 2 hour church, it was a difficult adjustment for some of us?And maybe a year later, the pandemic hit and we were forced to go to zero hours of in-person church and it suddenly hit us that the Lord knew exactly what was coming and prepared his entire Church to continue without missing a beat!?  Isn't God amazing?Lessons like these are lessons that I don't want to forget.I want...
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Sunday, April 25, 2021

Beat the Virus!

 I got my second dose of the Covid vaccine the other week.  There is something to gratifying in knowing that fasting, prayers, God's grace, and the relentless work of scientists brought us this...
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Friday, April 23, 2021

Val Starts Soccer

This little cutie started playing soccer last Saturday.  Val (age 5) wasn't at all sure he wanted to take on this new adventure, but once he tried it, he was hooked.  His favorite part, I'm...
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Thursday, April 22, 2021

A Cousin Baptism

 So, my husband's nephew Henry got baptized last Saturday and were actually able to make the trip to Toledo, Ohio to be there!It was a really sweet baptism, and felt almost normal (plus masks!) ...
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Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Children & Youth Goal: Know Your Worth

Autumn completed a very big goal this week: She created handmade signs of hope, positivity, and encouragement for each one of her classmates in the 6th grade (325 in all) and with the help of a small...
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Tuesday, April 20, 2021

They Are Closer Than We Know

 I shared a video on my FB page this week where these sister missionaries were talking about how they felt their ancestors watching over them during an experience that they had on their missions.I...
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Monday, April 19, 2021

Autumn's First Talk in Church

 Isn't it amazing that our Church it taught by the membership?  And that by invitation, regular members are asked to deliver messages called "talks" to the entire congregation on Sunday ...
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Sunday, April 18, 2021

Farewell to Elders

 I really don't get too attached to missionaries.  I always thought it was odd when people got too personal with a particular elder and they really became attached. Yet, over the years of living...
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Tuesday, April 6, 2021

A Love song for Val

 My boy Val Oaks turns 5 years old today.I call him my good luck charm, because he's been by my side bringing me so much love and sunshine through the last 5 years.At first, he brought me joy just...
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