Friday, May 31, 2013

"What happens when we die?" By Monica Stopczynski

As a child I had asked in my religion class, "What happens after you die?"  My teacher could not answer this question and at 7 years old I still remember asking her over and over again until she kicked me out of the classroom.  It was an experience that bothered me and stuck with me throughout my life.  That was my first question to the missionaries when I met with them and when they gave me a detailed explanation I felt such a burning desire within my heart that it was true.  I knew at that moment that I would join the Church!
 As I finished taking the discussions I will never forget a special experience the missionaries gave me.  They came over with a few members to teach me one evening and they instead blind folded me and I was put in a car with one of the members.  We drove for a little while and then they helped me get out of the car and had me positioned where they wanted me.  Then, slowly they removed the blind fold and I was standing in front of the most beautiful site I had ever laid eyes on! It was the Columbus, Ohio Temple!  It was so powerful and the Spirit was so strong!  We then had my discussion that evening in the building next to the Temple. 
 Now just about 12 years later I still remember my feelings at those moments when I was learning about the Gospel and being baptized.  It was such a wonderful clean feeling to know at that moment when I was baptized I was perfect in the eyes of my Heavenly Father!
  I have now been sealed in the Temple to a wonderful Priesthood holder and we have 4 children with our 5th coming this summer.  Last year we got to watch as our oldest made the decision to be baptized.  This fall we will watch our second oldest make that same choice.  I cannot imagine raising my family without the Gospel leading and guiding my parenting decisions.
 I am so eternally grateful to the two young men who made the decision to serve missions and to teach me.  I have a special place in my heart for them both and I am grateful for all missionaries who make that unselfish decision to serve our Heavenly Father and help people like me find the Gospel!

Thanks, Monica!

CLICK HERE to read more testimonies on my site for Hug a Convert Day and click the button above to read the testimonies on the official home of Hug-a-Convert Day!
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Thursday, May 30, 2013

"The Church Saved My Life" by Vicki Rawls

Today, we have the pleasure of hearing from my good friend Vicki Rawls.  Vicki is a buddy, a sister, and a mentor to me.  Here is Vicki:

Growing up in Minnesota , I was raised Lutheran. I learned the books of the Bible through songs. I was an angel in the Christmas  play at our little country church. I would go into our grove and ask God things. I felt comforted and happy with the feelings I had . I did have very different thoughts then most of my family . I did not dare to discuss them with others.
When I was about 10 we moved to California. We bought a house very near the Lutheran church . My family would walk to church each Sunday and back home together.

When I got to a certain age there were confirmation classes. I asked many questions at that time. I struggled with, who I was, where did I come from, and what was my purpose.

In answer to my questions, my pastor would say, "We are not meant to know these things," or, "We don't need to know these things." 

Well I did need to know those things.  I began to question if there even was a God. 

I was confirmed a member of the Lutheran church.  How could I fail the test?  They gave us all the answers.  

I made some very bad choices in my early teens. Consequences occurred.
I was married at fifteen giving birth to a darling girl child three weeks after turning sixteen. 

I was lonely a lot of the time.  My husband was gone away in the military.   I still had so many questions. 

I bought into the idea that more than one child was wrong and not earth friendly, even a threat to mankind's very exsistence. 

When my daughter was about four years old and she would be next door playing I would hear a baby crying in my home. I would go to where the cry came from but there was no baby. This occurred many times in a few weeks time. I told my husband, I don't know why but I needed to have a baby. I couldn't shake that very heavy feeling. Our marriage was not good, things had happened that did not make me feel secure.  My self esteem was very low.

I was pregnant within a month or so. It felt very right. Another daughter was born and she was perfect as was my first.  When the girls were about  3 and 8 I filed for divorce. It was tough, but we eventually got back together .

A few weeks later "Elders" from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints came knocking on our door.   Each time they did we would send them away with a wee bit of hope in their step. 

Finally my husband said next time we will let them in and that will be the end of it. He thought he could stifle them, because he knew the bible so well. Well they did come back and with them was a man dressed in regular clothes. We invited them in. 

During the lesson, I discovered this guy had taken my sister to her senior prom. They had only went out the once so it wasn't like they liked each other or anything , it just sort of made me feel more comfortable with him there.  

That night after they left I had that similar feeling of heaviness as when the "baby cried." I needed to hear more . We took all of the lessons, I threw out my smokes and booze and attended meetings. My questions were all answered. I know who I am , what my purpose is and where I am going.   Soon I was baptized into the Church.

I have never looked back. I have never doubted the truths I have been taught. 

In a real sense the Church saved my life.  The little girl who would pray in her grove had felt the Spirit again and knew it to be real and good. 

I love my Savior.  I always knew he was my brother.  I always knew he was my Savior. I also always knew He and Heavenly Father were two separate people.  Now all of this was confirmed to me.

I changed the way I think about things.  I am so grateful for the ward we were baptized into. There could not have been a better  bunch of brothers and sisters to help me feel excepted and needed. I have many eternal friends all over the world because of my membership in this church.  I will never be lonely again.

Thank you, Vicki!

CLICK HERE to read more testimonies on my site for Hug a Convert Day, and click the button above to read the testimonies at the official home of Hug-a-Convert Day!
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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"What is the true church?" by Amber Buehler

As I mentioned in an earlier post, MMM is hosting his 2nd annual "Hug-a-Convert Day" this Sunday.  

When I originally read his post, I was like, uh, what is this?  I don't get it?  In my mind, if you are a member, you are a convert, because everyone goes through a conversion process, whether or not you were baptized at the age of eight.  I honestly don't think much about the term "converts" which in our church culture is loosely used to refer to someone who is not born into the church.  I think that's because I live "in the East" where many, many members find the church later in life.

I thought, "I bet 50% of our ward are probably converts."  But when I sat down and scanned the ward list, I realized that close to 95% of the members of our ward are indeed "converts," which is perhaps why I don't think of converts as being some sort of minority group within the church.  

To me, converts ARE the church.

And EVERY Sunday IS "Hug-a-Convert" Day, because every time I embrace a friend, I am encouraging someone who has most likely embraced the gospel even though they do not have a framework of support for such faith outside of church.  I realize that it can be a hard road to walk, but where I live, it doesn't have to always be a lonely one, because we are pretty much all in the same boat.

I don't have family living close-by to run to when I am discouraged or to eat Sunday dinner with to help build me up to face a new week.  But when I hear the testimonies of my friends in sacrament meeting each month or at General Conference Book Club each week, it strengthens me more than I think they realize.

So, today, I'm going to share the wealth with you and hope that you will feel encouraged too by the testimony of my friend and fell0w ward member Amber Buehler.  In the coming days, I will share more testimonies from members of my ward.

Here is Amber:

I would like to bear my testimony that I know the church is true.  

I was brought up in the church and was baptized, but when I was about 14 years old my family fell away from the church. 

It wasn't until I had my first child and went to my husband's church to have our baby boy baptized that I realized something was different. It was not the same thing I was taught when I was a child. 

That night I went home and got on my knees and prayed, something I had not done for a long time.  I asked the Lord, "What is the true church?"

The next day, two missionaries come to my door.  This time I did not turn them away. I let them into my house and listened to what they had to say. 

I felt the spirit that day.  It was the same feeling I felt when I was a child.   

After a few weeks of taking lessons from the missionaries, I went to church for the first time in years.  And after sacrament meeting was over I saw a familiar face in the hall of the church.  It was my branch president from when I was a child!  This man was also friends with my grandfather when he was living.  Since my family and I had moved several times to different areas since then, seeing him was a complete surprise. 

I went up to him and told him who I was, and he remembered me.  I left that day feeling really good about the church. That man and his wife became my home teachers.  

At first, my husband, who is not a member, would go to our room until they were done visiting.  Then, he began to listen to them.  They didn't talk so much about church with him, but more about hunting, which sparked his interest.  They showed their kindness to him. 

My husband to this day is not a member, but I pray that one day he will open his heart to the spirt and know that this is the true church. 

We moved again about a year ago, and I now attend a different ward .  The members of my new ward were so kind to me, and I became instant friends with many of them. 

For the first time in my life I bore my testimony in church.  I was so scared, but it felt right. 

I pray every night for my family to come back to church.  I know that the Lord answers our prayers, because my dad started to come back to church. I pray that rest of my family will follow. 

It is not easy for me, having a husband that is a not a member of the church, but I can not make him leave his church, nor would I want to.  Sometimes, it causes challenges with raising our two boys.  I let them decide if they want to go to mommy's church or daddy's church, but I feel that if I continue to do what's right, my husband will see that and one day join the church. 

I want to leave this testimony with you, that I know this church is true, and I am thankful for the blessings and happiness that it brings into my life.

Thanks, Amber, for sharing that beautiful testimony.

CLICK HERE to read more testimonies on my site for Hug a Convert Day, and click the button above to read the testimonies at the official home of Hug-a-Convert Day!

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

German Translation of God Gave You a Body

zum Download auf Deutsch hier klicken When we first published God Gave You a Body as a free download last year, we immediately received requests from Primary presidents and concerned mothers...
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Monday, May 27, 2013

Refreshing of the Flags by Nathan Gee

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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Russia Rising to Protect Children

World Congress of Families – Day 2 (Continued) A report from Angela Fallentine: As I reported previously, Russia is rising and they are becoming a force for good around the world. This...
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Thursday, May 23, 2013

I've got so much faith in you.

The best part of Motherhood for me is being able to surprise my children.  I mean really do something that they just don't expect me to do and at the most unexpected times. I got to join...
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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Calling All Converts

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Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Modern French Revolution

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