Sunday, February 28, 2010

Service Boot Camp: Happy in Your Work

Service Boot Camp - Day 28: We did it! We did it! We did it!28 days of voluntary enlistment in service boot camp was all that I'd hoped for and more.At times it was a bit brutal, I'll admit, and the...
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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Service Boot Camp: Find the Good

Day 25: I heard a national weather forecaster today say "Scranton, Pennsylvania has the worst weather in the country." Thank you, Sir, for the very cheery news. We don't live in Scranton, but it's...
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Service Boot Camp: Flowers in Winter

Day 24: When a person needs to be served, "Call me if you need anything," is just about the last thing that they want to hear...but sometimes it's all we can think to say in the moment.It's like when...
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sewing Smackdown Results & Giveaway Winner!!!

The first ever Sewing Smackdown was a blast:Round 1 went to my sister Dawn. Round 2 went to me, Jocelyn. And clearly round 3 was won by my Mother Susan.Now, as my Mom mentioned in her post, the pattern...
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Monday, February 22, 2010


It is time for the 3rd and final part of ourSewing Smackdown!Thank you to my Mom & Sister for participating and to You for voting and commenting. As a special Thank You to you:We will be giving away...
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"No Sweat" Ruffled Sweater Scarf

Letter from Basic Training: Day 22

For my 3rd and final entry in the Sewing Smackdown,
I decided to make myself this "No Sweat" Sweater Scarf.

I have named it the "No Sweat" sweater scarf to remind myself to not sweat the static of life, the obnoxious noise that is trying to bounce me off of the path I am on to follow The Savior.

It's just noise.
I know that.

And I will not be moved.

I also named it "No Sweat" because it's so darn easy to make

The perfect accessory for the on-the-go-Mom.
It's lovely and it covers stains!

(Let's face it, that little detail is empowering in and of itself!)

And the fact that it is made from one of my husband's old sweaters makes it extra special.

Ok, are you ready to make your own?
(Call it whatever magic words you need to motivate yourself today and let's go!)

Here's how:

Get an old sweater
3 yards of ribbon
and a yarn needle

Begin by cutting the sweater into 4 inch strips. Sew the strips together, end-to-end, until you have about three yards or more sewn together. Set your sewing machine to the widest zig-zag with the shortest stitch length. Sew all the way around the edge of your scarf, stretching as you go. The stitch should be on the scarf (for the zig) and just off the scarf (for the zag), creating a finished edge. When that is complete, thread your yarn needle with the ribbon and sew down the length of your fabric as shown. Secure one end with a knot. Then gather your scarf as much as you'd like and tie the other end in a bow. That way you can adjust it and wear it many different ways.

Then wax victorious as you wear your will-strengthening scarf.

Day 22: Cheers to my fellow service boot-campers...only six days to go now.
Keep up the great work you are doing.
And remember:
"...none were received unto baptism save they atook upon them the name of Christ, having a determination to serve him to the end." (Moroni 6:3)

Don't let anything distract you.

Uh, I have to clean up this sweet little girl's paint mess now.
But don't forget to VOTE on the Sewing Smackdown TODAY!

When you vote today, you will also be entered for our GIVEAWAY.

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Service Boot Camp: The Best Bad Haircut I Ever Got

Letter from Basic: Day 20Wow, just when I thought that Service Boot Camp couldn't get much more realistic...I went out tonight to get a long-overdue "cut & color" and returned with the worst hair...
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Friday, February 19, 2010

Service Boot Camp: Where They're Always Glad Ya Came

Letter from Boot Camp: Day 19I recently referred to the area where we live as "the middle of nowhere".(So sorry Lewisburg, I still love you!)But I have to say, for the record, that living in such a rural...
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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Service Boot Camp: Such A (Mango) Treat

Letter from Basic Training: Day 18Platoon-mates...It's been a long, cold month of Service Boot Camp.You've been serving valiantly.You deserve a treat.Trust me...this Mango Fool Parfait is the bomb.Run...
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Service Boot Camp: I CAN Help.

Letter from Basic: Day 17Today, I donated the money from the fortune cookie sale to the church's Haiti relief effort. And it felt really good. Here is the automated reply that I received, which was addressed...
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Service Boot Camp: Practicing Grace

Letter from Basic Training: Day 16I'm usually pretty optimistic, but this long stretch of snowed-in, sunless days, being house-bound in the middle of nowhere, PA has us all a little on edge.A friend...
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Monday, February 15, 2010

Service Boot Camp: I Can See Clearly Now

Letter from Basic: Day 15We are now halfway through our family's month of "Service Boot Camp".We were so happy with the success of our Haiti Fundraiser, and I was happy to complete the baking (of all...
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Friday, February 12, 2010

Our Hearts Go Out to Haiti: Fortune Cookie Recipe

Pin It I am happy to report that the homemade fortune cookie sale has raised over $700 all of which will be donated to the LDS Humanitarian aid program to help with the recovery efforts and...
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Service Boot Camp: Break Away

Letter from Basic Training:"Breaking Away"--------------"How do you do everything you do?""When do you sleep?""What are you taking? I want some."I've received a lot of comments like these lately, especially...
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Service Boot Camp: Show a Little Love

Letter from Basic: Day 9Today's service activities: Fortune Cookies as far as the eye can see!I've baked 18 dozen so far and currently have 13 dozen more to make.Thankfully, a friend of mine is coming...
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