Monday, July 13, 2009

Reading the Scriptures Strengthens My Family

In church today (with the children), we talked about the importance of reading scriptures with our families every day. I created this little lesson with coloring pages for the children to present to their families tomorrow night for Family Home Evening. The lesson outlines some of the blessings that will come to our homes as we study scriptures daily together as a family:scripture study strengthens families fhe lesson ...
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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Visiting With Family

Here's a video we made for our extended family using pictures from our trip to see family...and stuff we're doing to pass the time until we see MORE FAMILY in Colorado Sprin...
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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Freedom to Have Fun!

If there are two things that I love most in this life it's 1) good people and 2) good traditions. I have been blessed to be surrounded by both for just about all of my life. This weekend, we continued...
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