Sunday, January 25, 2015

For a Really Bad Day

My sister Dawn gave me this "unbirthday" gift with the instruction to only open it on a really "bad day". Just having it sitting on my shelf has gotten me through most of January, and there have not been any truly rotten days. My kids will say, "Mom, are you having a bad day yet? Let's open the gift now!" My goal is to not open the gift at all this year, and I think I might make it, because every time I see the present it just seems to wink at me and say, "You're not beat yet, keep going, Mama!" And I wink back and say, "You're right." I'll laugh some day if I open it and realize there's nothing in it, but of course it's filled with my sister's love. Thanks, Dawn!!


  1. I think this was such an awesome idea. What a thoughtful sister you have.
    Blessings for this one!

  2. I love your attitude! And what a nice kind of gift. :)

  3. That is so sweet! I love that idea! Thank you for sharing and for your wonderful example of looking on the bright side. :)


  4. I like this idea...may have to give a couple to neighbors/friends that are going through some incredibly difficult challenges.

    And good for you to try not to open it all year. What a good example of optimism.
