Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Sunrise Easter Service by Carrie Stroud

It was humid outside.  I remember the porch door squeaking as it opened and shut and how we left our Grandmother's home to drive to the church down the road.  It was a country road in Georgia, dotted with farms and new crops peaking up from the ground.  The sun hadn't come up yet, so we walked and laughed in almost a whisper.  Because in the hush of early morning, it is only natural to speak quietly.  

It had been a tradition in my husband's family to attend a Sunrise Breakfast on Easter.  Although the church was not of our faith, we decided to give tribute to where my MIL and her family grew up with that tradition in their tiny town.

I don't remember what was said in the sermon or who the Preacher was.  I don't remember how old my daughter was.  I don't even remember what the exact time was.  Was it 6am?  Was it 6:30?  What was I wearing?  Did I put on my Sunday best?  Or were my eyes so tired from family fun the night before, comfy jeans were the attire of choice?

Instead, what I do remember is feeling the new golden sun on my back even before it reached my eyes.  I do remember the metal folding chairs we sat on outside and the dew touching my sandals to release wet drops all over my skin.  I do remember the eggs and pancakes served directly afterwards.  And how I asked the cook how she made them so delicious.  And how she replied "butter." 

do remember leaving the tiny church feeling renewed and loved with family by my side.  I remember knowing who my Redeemer was. And that His death and His resurrection allowed me to be there that day.  How he gave me the opportunity to worship Him outside a tiny church in the dew of the morning as the sun's warmth hit my back.  To understand his plan for me.  To know of his radiant love for me and my family that expands past every farm on that road in Georgia and across the world. That his sacrifice will allow me to be with Him again one day. How he let me partake in the glory of country scrambled eggs and relish in the flavor of life.

I do remembering knowing that my Redeemer lives.
And I have known it every sunrise since.

You can read more of Carrie's thoughtful and creative posts at 

Want more? You can read the rest of the posts in our Easter blog party, here:

I Hope They Call Me On A Mission-8x10 Wood Block-LDS/Mormon (Blue)


  1. great memory. I have a similar one altho it was not connected to Easter. one side of my family lived in VERY rural KY...more a hollow. but in the heat of the summer, out would come the huge tents for the rivals. they were hot but they were wonderful. then we'd return to Uncle
    Dewey's, sit on the swing and my mom would quietly sing "I Come To The Garden Alone" while I lay quietly against here and allowed the drowsy swing match the rhythm of her voice. And all was good with the world, and in my world.

  2. What a beautiful story and testimony. I lived in Geaorgia for a period of time and feel like I know the road she's talking about. These kinds of moments are the ones we cherish and hope our children have and remember.

  3. ah childhood memories can carry us throughout our life...

  4. That sounds amazing. I don't know if anyone does that around here, but now I want to get up for the sunrise this Easter. Maybe we'll have a nice breakfast here. Thank you for sharing!

  5. My friend Kimberly has a sunrise service at her home on Easter morning. She's a southern belle! :)

  6. Oh, I LOVE this idea. I want a sunrise breakfast and service on Easter, too!

  7. I love this! What an amazing experience. It's so uplifting.

  8. That picture is heaven in the morning. It's so beautiful! Some of my best memories are more the feelings I had that remain.
    Thank you for that wonderful post. I need to make more opportunities for my kids to wonder and ponder in scenery's like that!

  9. I can taste the eggs with the butter. The senses are so acute and help with memory. I bet for Mary on that Resurrection morning her senses were tried and then renewed. I wonder if she remembered every morning after that too.

  10. What a beautiful memory. It is giving me an idea to have my own sunrise breakfast.

  11. Wow, I love your photo, it has great symbolism for this subject too.

  12. Carrie, Beautifully expressed! Your last sentence was very poignant, especially with your photo.

    Jocelyn, what a beautiful month you have planned!

  13. Thank you ladies! I wish I could say it was my photo, but I chose it because it is very close to scenery in that memory of mine. All your sweet words are awesome and I really appreciate it;)

  14. Spring is special! Easter is special! Thanks for sharing your special Easter memory, beautiful and inspiring.
